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Les quantités d'aliments 2002-03-09
From Benhacine:
soient les aliments A1, A2, A3.....An contenant respectivement le nutriment "a" aux quantités a1, a2, a3, et an sachant qu'un organisme a besoin d'une quantité connue de nutriment "a" égale à "Be",

Ayant: A1.a1 + A2.a2 +.....+ An.an = 100.Be


A1 + A2 + A3 +....+ An = 100

Quelles seront les quantités d'aliments A1, A2, et An qui satisferont le besoin défini "Be" de l'organisme?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
The isosceles triangle of smallest area 2002-03-08
From Lettie:
can you find the isosceles triangle of smallest area that circumscribes a circle of radius of one?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Percentage difference 2002-03-08
From Tedd:
Can you give me the formulas for calculating percentage differences between two numbers? For example: if the first number is 10 and the second number is 15, then the second number is 50% larger than the first number. However, the formula to calculate that percentage won't work if the first number is greater than the second number as in the following example: The first number is 15 and the second number is 10, with the second number being 33.3% less than the first number. Or maybe I'm mistaken and the same formula will work in both situations.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factor completely 2002-03-07
From Taylor:
I'm supposed to completely factor this but I don't know what to do with all the variables.

a3b5 - a2b5 - 12ab5.

Does it have anything to do with b5 being a common factor or am I completely off?
Answered by Penny Nom.

A sequence 2002-03-07
From Caroline:
hi, here is the problem,

_ _ 2_ _ _

we can't get the sequence of the last line ,with the 3rd number being 2,thanks

Answered by Walter Whiteley.
A/B = C/D 2002-03-06
From Un eleve:
Démontrer que si A sur B et = à C sur D, alors AxD et = à BxC.
Answered by Claude tardin.
The square root of 2 2002-03-05
From Roger:
Does two (2) have a square root or do the numbers just keep going? Are there any other numbers that behave like two when it comes to extracting the square root?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A circular wading pool 2002-03-04
From Patrick:
The community of melfort is planning to build a circular wading pool in the park. The pool will cover an area of 1000m2. The building committee has decided to put a 5m cement pad around it. How much additional area will the cement pad take up?
Answered by Harley Weston.
The slope of a tangent line 2002-03-04
From Ridley:
Suppose a function f(x) has the line 3x+4y=2 as its tangent line at x=5. Find f'(5).
Answered by Harley Weston.
Percentage 2002-03-03
From Nathan:
I have two questions:
  1. 25% of what number is 195?
  2. 42 is what percent of 112?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Mixed numbers, whole numbers and improper fractions which are less than 2. 2002-03-03
From Dawn:
Change each mixed number to a whole number and an improper fraction which is less than 2. 3 1/2 = 2 /
Answered by Penny Nom.
What number am I? 2002-03-03
From Samantha:
I am an even number that has more ones than tens. My thousands digit is the quotient of 9 divided by 3 and my tens digit is the sum of 3 and 3. I have no hundreds. What number am I?......Please answer this for me...The answer I come up with is 3,060...Is this right?..
Answered by Penny Nom.
Une autre bille de rayon différent 2002-02-27
From Sarah:
une bille de 6 cm repose au fond d'1 cylindre droit dont la base est un disque de rayon 10 cm. On verse de l'eau dans le cylindre de façon à recouvrir exactement la bille. Démontrez que l'on peut remplacer la bille par une autre bille de rayon différent (mais supérieur) de sorte que l'eau initialement versée recouvre exactement cette nouvelle bille
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The median with ties 2002-02-27
From Marcel:
What, exactly, is the proper way to determine the median of a set of numbers when doubles or triples of a number are part of that set? Do the doubles count as two and the triples three, or does each count only as one toward determining the median.
Answered by Harley Wston.
Two circles inscribed in a rectangle 2002-02-27
From Amina:
Given a rectangle with dimensions L=6, H=5. Two circles are inscribed such that they touch each other(circles are adjacent to each other) and also their circumferences touch 2 sides of the rectangle. One of the circles has radius=4. Find the radius of the other circle.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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