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F = -3 + 3 2002-03-19
From Jessica:
F= -3 + 3 WHAT IS F?????
Answered by Penny Nom.
A set of points in space 2002-03-18
From Victoria:
Describe the given set with a single equation or a pair of equations:

The set of points in space that lie 2 units from the point(0,0,1) and at the same time 2 units from the point (0,0,-1).

Answered by Penny Nom.
24x^4 + 3x 2002-03-18
From gary:
24x 4 + 3x
Answered by Penny Nom.
Interest owing 2002-03-17
From Dean:
I am an investor. If I lend to someone on January 1, 1999, $1000 to be paid back interest at 2% per year (simple interest, ie not compounded), and on July 15, 1999, I lend the same person $1,500 more (total loan is now $2,500) but at 18%, and once again on October 15, 1999, I lend to the same person another $1,500, and the person pays me back the principle($4,000) and interest on January 1,2001: What is the total (principle plus interest) due me? The tougher question is: what was my blended rate of return on my total outlay of money? Is there a formula you can give me so that I can perform my own calculations?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Combinations? 2002-03-16
From Sara:
A combination lock has three dials numbered 0 - 9. Give a mathematical reason why "combination" is a bad name for this type of lock.
Answered by Penny Nom and Chris Fisher.
How much olive oil? 2002-03-15
From Annie:
Joe used 1/3 cup of olive oil, which was 3/4 of the amount that he had. How much olive oil did he have!
Answered by Penny Nom.
Testing a hypothesis 2002-03-14
From A student:
A large distriutor of cosmetics has kept his outstanding accounts receivable to a mean age of 18 days over the past year. This average is considered a standard by which to measure the efficiency of the credit and collections department. Management wishes to check if receivables in the current month is over standard and will do this at a significance level of 0.50. A random sample of 100 accounts yields an average of 20 days with a standard deviation of 9 days. what should management conclude?
Answered by Andrei Volodin.
The square root of i 2002-03-14
From Arlene:
what is the square root of i, if i=x+yi?

what is the square root of 1-i? i'm getting problems like these in which I do not understand.

Answered by Harley Weston.
3 5/8 and 2 1/4 2002-03-13
From Shirley:
3 5/8 and 2 1/4 what is the percentage of 2 1/4 to 3 5/8.
Answered by Penny Nom.
15 miles at 13 miles per hour 2002-03-12
From Rich:
If I were traveling 15 miles at 13 miles per hour how long will it take?
Answered by Penny Nom.
My 1978 Chevy has a 350 cubic inch engine 2002-03-11
From Sharon:
If my 1978 Chevy has a 350 cubic inch engine, about what size engine would that be in liter?
Answered by Penny Nom.
x and y-intercepts 2002-03-10
From A student:
I have the problem- f(x)= X-5/X2+X-6 and I have to find the vertical asymtope, horizontal asymtope, x-intercept, and y-intercept. And graph the problem. I am having problems finding the y-intercept.
Answered by Harley Weston.
The best time to teach math 2002-03-10
From West:
My name is West. I teach 4th grade. I would like to know if there is any research which tells about the best time to teach math. Should it be taught in the a.m. or p.m.
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Conversion de m2 en cm2 2002-03-10
From Carole et Francis:
Mon enfant est en 6ième année, il avait le problème suivant à faire dans un test:

Trouve l'aire d'un rectangle mesurant 9 m par 4 m; donne ta réponse en m2 et en cm2?

Voici la solution de mon fils:

9m x 4m = 36m2

9m = 900cm 4m = 400cm

donc 900cm x 400cm = 360 000cm2

D'après moi sa réponse est bonne, j'aimerais avoir une confirmation puisque l'enseignante lui dit qu'il y a erreur.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Multiplying decimals 2002-03-10
From Kaitlin:
I just recently had a test on multiplying decimals and I did not do really well on it. Only 5 kids out of 19 got a passing grade. My teacher says that she will give us a different test and we can take it again, but I'm still not sure of it. My teacher has taught me a lot and she had done a wonderful job of it but I'm just confused with where to put the decimals and stuff like that. I have a math practice workbook that I do for fun and they have nothing on decimals in it. I have checked on websites to try to find worksheets but I really couldn't find a good one. Can you please help me either give me some tips or clues or send me a worksheet.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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