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circular arc

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4 items are filed under this topic.
The area of a lot 2022-12-31
From Brian:
To calculate lot size, do you use arc length or chord length? Lot Survey shows: Length 1 = 120.0' Length 2 = 120.0' Width 1 = 61.0' Width 2 = ARC Length 125.58' / CHORD Length 124.10' / Radius = 236.0'
Answered by Harley.
An arched window 2017-07-24
From Gerry:
Looking to make a full size template for an arched window. Need increments every 16". The radius is 138' 0 9/16" , the chord is 226" and the rise at center of chord is 43"
Answered by Penny Nom.
Heights at various points along an arc 2016-04-15
From Isiah:
So I am working on a problem with a few friends; you have an arc with the center of its chord at 0,0. We also have a known sagitta and a known radius of curvature. How do we calculate the height extending in both the positive and negative directions?
Central sag: 2.48
Chord length: 9.6

Answered by Penny Nom.
The radius of a circular arc 2008-02-04
From Bill:
Hi,the Central Angle of a sector of a circle is 40 degrees. The circular arc of the curve has a chord length of 3000 ft. Find the radius(r) of the circular arc.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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