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3 items are filed under this topic.
A proof by contraposition 2012-10-19
From Rahul:
I am not able to understand the following,
To prove that if for all e>0, |x|0, then |x|>=e. I understand the approach very well but I do not understand why if |x|=e then |x|>=e. If it is so then why not |x|= Thanks in advance!'

Answered by Penny Nom.
A proof by contraposition 2006-03-16
From Eban:

1)by mathematical induction prove that 12 + 32 + 52 + ...... + (2k-1)2 = (1/3)k(2k-1)(2k+1) for all positive integers k.

2)show that the contrapositive of the following statement is true. if 1 + M7 is even, then M is odd.

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
An isosceles triangle 2005-01-03
From Abraham:
The question is,"Triangle ABC is not isosceles.Prove that if altitude BD were drawn, it would not bisect AC."My question is If an altitude is drawn wouldn\'t that mean automatically its isosceles because, In a triangle the sides opposite congruent angles(in this case the right angles)are congruent? What am I thinking wrong?
Answered by Harley Weston.



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