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6 items are filed under this topic.
I started with Euler's identity and manipulated it 2011-11-14
From anonymous:
I started with Euler's identity and manipulated it
type it in in a calculator and you get e^pi=23.1406926... and (-1)^i=0.0432139183... What did I do wrong?

Answered by Robert Dawson.
Solve e^x + e^(x+1) = 250 2008-08-25
From Laura:
"solve this equation correct to three decimals"
e^x + e^x+1= 250

Answered by Penny Nom.
The inverse of a function 2008-05-03
From keith:
please help me find the inverse of this function:

h(t) = 2 + 4 ln(1-5t)

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Two derivatives 1999-11-16
From Gina Renicker:
The derivative of:

y=e(xlnx) and y=x2arctan(x1/2)
Answered by Harley Weston.

Slopes of curved lines 1999-06-09
From Stephen Ehrler:
When one plots the graphs of y=2x, y=3x, y=xx When each of these graphs pass through point (0,1) do they have the same slope? I know they are different lines but is it possable that they have the same slope at point (0,1).
Answered by Harley Weston.
Natural Logarithm Functions 1997-04-23
From Rickson:
The following two questions are some of my son's homework that he is having trouble with......any advice or assistance would be appreciated.

(eX)5=1000.............the X and 5 are exponents

lnx + ln(x+3) = ln10

In each question the problem is to find x.
Answered by Harley Weston.




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