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8 items are filed under this topic.
Misuse of greater than 2019-03-07
From Kenneth:
I have an old business mathematics textbook. The authors have indicated that the following expressions indicate multiplication:

? is 2/3 greater than 90; ? is 2/3 smaller than 90. They also indicated that the following expression would indicate division: 30 is 2/3 greater than ? and 30 is 2/3 smaller than ?.

How can these phrases indicate multiplication and division? How can 60 be 2/3 greater than 90 and also smaller than 90 as indicated above. What were the authors thinking? I have added the page from the book that indicates what I have explained in my message Kenneth

Answered by Harley Weston.
Which number is greater? 2005-08-18
From Dante:
Which number is greater: 888....88 X 333...33 or 444.......44 x 666........67 (each of the numbers has 1989 digits)?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
50^99 and 99! 2005-05-23
From Romel:
Which number is greater, 5099 or 99!
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A number line 2003-02-27
From Shery:

My seventh grader problem of the month


This is a arrow, the number should be below

A.Mrs Decker created an arrow representing a number line shown above. She wanted to find points and label them with a heart (G) for Valentine's Day so that the fraction 5/g is less than 1. (be sure to mark the G and not the fraction 5/g). She pondered, "Are there any other locations for G?" Is so help her description the location of all these points. If not why not?

Answered by Penny Nom.
< and > 2002-08-30
From Kelsey:
What is the origin of the greater (>) than and less (<) than signs?
Answered by Harley Weston.
As much greater than 47 as it is less than 105 2002-07-23
From Joe:
To find the number in question you need to find the number exactly half-way between 47 and 105. Another way of thinking about the number that is half-way between two other numbers is as the average of the two numbers given.
Answered by Leenaan Boehm.
< and > Which one is which? 2000-12-06
From Alice:
This grandmother forgot and wants to know the correct for greater and the one for lesser.....

the two are < and > Which one is which?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Larger and smaller 2000-10-10
From Nicole:
which one of these arrows < , > points to the greater number? which arrows points to the smaller number.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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