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10 items are filed under this topic.
Paycheck after deductions 2014-02-23
From Louise:
So I got a paycheck for 89.02 they took out in deductions 15.69. I want to know the percentage they are taking out so that I can figure my take home pay each week before I get it. So I know what to expect for pay each week so I can budget my bills from now on a weekly basis. If I know the percentage than I can just figure out the percentage through how many hours in the week I worked and multiply my gross pay and know what my take home will be
Answered by Penny Nom.
Concert tickets 2008-09-18
From Keisha:
Gross Receipts. Six thousand tickets are to be sold for a concert, some for $9 and the rest for $15each. If x is the number of $9 tickets sold , write an algebraic expression that represents the gross receipts from ticket sales, assuming all tickets are sold. Simplify the expression.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Gross sales 2007-11-30
From tom:
here is my question: trying to determine what gross sales were.

I have.....Gross sales - (gross X .0675) = 2,245,009

Answered by Penny Nom.
Grossing up payroll wages 2006-08-27
From Katie:
I really need to understand (spelled out step by step) how to gross up payroll wages.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Gross profit as a percentage 2006-03-18
From Mark:
How do I calculate the gross profit by percentage on and a product I purchased for $23.80 marked up 45% sold for $34.51 = profit of $10.71 GP by percentage????????
Answered by Penny Nom.
Profit 2006-03-11
From Wendy:
If I have a product I have bought for 33.58 and I mark it up by 30% sell at 43.65 how do I work out the gross profit.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Gross markup 2001-02-01
From Chris:

GM is Gross Margin? do you have any meanings for this like Gross markup etc?

Can you show me the working of how you get the 2650 to sell at 4416.67

Answered by Penny Nom.
Calculating the tax 2000-12-22
From A grocer:
I have a small grocery store. I have a bag of money containing $325. This represents the mornings receipts and a tax of 5.75% is included in the total. How can I separate the gross take from the tax take so that I'll know how much is mine and how much is the state's?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Net, gross and vat 2000-11-20
From Chris:
I have my gross but want to find out the net so I know how much the VAT is?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two gross minus two score 2000-04-20
From Georgie:
What is two gross minus two score?
Answered by Chris Fisher.



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