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intermediate value theorem

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3 items are filed under this topic.
Positive and negative values of a function 2018-01-30
From Grayson:
Interval: ( negative infinity, negative one )
Test Value: negative two
Function Value f(x): positive forty eight
Interval: ( negative one, zero )
Test Value: negative one
Function Value f(x): zero
Interval: ( zero, positive one )
Test Value: positive one
Function Value f(x): zero
Interval: ( positive one, positive infinity )
Test Value: positive two
Function Value f(x): positive forty eight

What is the sign of f(x) for each Interval?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The Intermediate Value Theorem 2008-09-16
From A.:
When dealing with the intermediate value theorem you have the function x^2. It bounces on the axis so you can't tell if lies on the interval [a,b]. So is the ivt proven false or does the ivt not tell you all the roots for sure.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Overlapping circles 2002-05-29
From Naman:
There are two circles, big circle with radius R and small one with radius r. They intersect and overlap in such a way that the common area formed is 1/2 pi r 2 (half the area of the small circle) If r=1, find the Radius of the big circle (R)?
Answered by Harley Weston.



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