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6 items are filed under this topic.
The modulus of a complex number 2016-07-29
From Cheyenne:
There's a question on my Summer Assignment I cant figure out. Here it is:

Find the absolute Value of the complex number. -5i

Please help?

Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the value of |2((i)^(1/2))|? 2013-07-22
From Delilah:
What is the value of |2((i)^(1/2))| ?
i.e. absolute value of 2 multiplied by square root of i.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Two modular equations 2008-10-08
From Mhiko:
please solve this Chinese remainder problem..and give me a solution or rule in order to solve this problem/


Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A complex number in polar form 2007-07-23
From roland:
write the given complex number z in polar form lzl(p+qi) where lp + qil=1 for 3 - 4i.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Exponential form of complex numbers 2007-02-12
From Austin:
When dealing with imaginary numbers in engineering, I am having trouble getting things into the exponential form. The equation is -1+i now I do know that re^(theta)i = r*cos(theta) + r*i*sin(theta). Just not quite understanding the order of operations. Thanks
Answered by Penny Nom.
Absolute value of i 1999-01-06
From Wayne Bagley:
I would like to know what is the absolute value of i. I need an answer suitable for the secondary level.
Answered by Harley Weston.



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