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2 items are filed under this topic.
A piecewise graph 2014-05-10
From Zoe:
Lightning Energy charges residential users for each unit of electrical energy bought from them each quarter, according to the scale below:
0-500 units cost 17 cents per unit
500-1500 units cost $85 plus 10 cents for each unit in the excess of 500
1500 or more units cost $185 plus 9 cents for each unit in excess of 1500
Sketch a graph showing the charge C as a function of U for up to 2000 electricity units

Answered by Penny Nom.
An equation for a line with a changing slope 2009-03-21
From Ben:
Is there anyway to write an equation for a line with a changing slope. e.g. A cell [hone company has a initial fee of 50$ paying for the first 100 minutes, the rate then increases to 10 cents per minute, then at 500 minutes the rate is 5 cents per minute.

If so please tell how.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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