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the binomial theorem

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2 items are filed under this topic.
Rolling 5 sevens before rolling a six or an eight 2002-01-20
From Tony:
When rolling 2 dice, what is the probability of rolling 5 sevens before rolling a six or an eight?
Answered by Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom.
The Binomial Theorem for rational exponents 1999-04-15
From Angela Evans:
The full question is this: Isaac Newton generalized the Binomial Theorem to rational exponents. That is, he derived series of expansions for such expressions as (x+y)-3 (x+y)2/3 (x+y)5/6 What did Newton find? What are the first four terms of the series expansions of binomials above? How can this extended Binomial Thrm. be used to aid in calculations?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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