We found 24 items matching your search.
This one of the articles in the seventh edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. This issue focuses of patterning and algebra. Here Shelly discusses how she introduces patterning in kindergarten and grade 1 through the use of colours, shapes and sizes.
AUTHOR(S): Shelley Sauter
This Stewart Resource unit deals with introducing the concept of patterning into the primary classroom. The unit provides a 10 day scope of learning objectives and the activites for each of the 10 days. Also included is activity suggestions for integrating this theme into other subjects.
AUTHOR(S): Alice Hanlin and Brian Amundrud
A unit filled with activities which provide many of ideas for integrating Plane Geometry into the elementary classroom. There are lots of hands on activities with manipulatives and real experiences. Activity lesson plans include Objectives, Materials, Directions and Extentions. Bibliography of resources used for compiling this unit is also included.
AUTHOR(S): Carol Lockhart
A collection of real life situations that may be used for problem solving ideas in an elementary classroom.
AUTHOR(S): Helen Horsman
This resource is a collection of problems for students at the grades 1-5 level.
AUTHOR(S): Liliane Gauthier
This note is in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It announces some short courses to be offered in Saskatoon in the Summer of 2000.
AUTHOR(S): Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society
This one of the articles in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. In this article Adele Owatz, a grade 2/3 teacher, has gathered a list of books to use with elementary math classes. These books are enjoyable stories on their own but Adele has also linked them to stands in the mathematics cirriculum.
AUTHOR(S): Adele Owatz
On décrit, au moyen d'exemples tirés du programme d'études, les étapes de la résolution de problèmes.
AUTHOR(S): Jack Hope pour le ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan
Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, nous partons d'une situation familière è l'élève pour arriver au modèle mathématique. Un des avantages de cette activité est qu'il n'y a pas de solution unique. Trouver diverses
AUTHOR(S): Denis and Diane Hanson