We found 22 items matching your search.
 Continuing his discussion of circular arc midpoint computation Oleksandr develops an expression for the midpoint of a circular arc in n dimensions.
AUTHOR(S): Oleksandr G. Akulov
 Hamid Naderi Yeganeh is a student of mathematics at University of Qom in Iran. He likes to create beautiful images by basic mathematical concepts.
AUTHOR(S): Hamid Naderi Yeganeh
 Rick uses a problem sent to Quandaries and Queries to illustrate the usefulness of proving trigonometric identities.
AUTHOR(S): Rick Seaman
 Ed describes here an activity that students can undertake to approximate pi. It is adapted from the process used by Archimedes in about 240 BC. Students who work through this activity will improve their understanding of pi.
AUTHOR(S): Ed Mickleburgh
 Students often ask where they will ever use trigonometry or why they need to study it. This note contains a use of trigonomerty in two areas where its use might be unexpected. One situation involves an artisan who needs the dimensions for a metal sculpture he is constructing and the second a homeowner who is disputing her property assessment.
AUTHOR(S): Penny Nom
 Kurtis Kredo sent this question to Quandaries and Queries and we thought the answer Chris gave deserved to be in the Resource Room.
AUTHOR(S): Chris Fisher
 Géographie rencontre mathématiques à mi-chemin entre les latitudes.
AUTHOR(S): Oleksandr G. Akulov