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A quadratic equation with equal roots 2016-01-23
From abdiwahid:
X^2+2ax+4x+9a=0 is quadratic equation which has equal roots. Find the possible value of a?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Fractions of two quantities 2016-01-22
From Melody:
Kate ate 1/4 of her orange. Ben ate 2/4 of his banana. Did Kate and Ben eat 3/4 of theit fruit? Explain.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The length of an 80 acre piece of land 2016-01-21
From Eugene:
Have to clear a piece of land 80 acres by 500 feet wide. What is the length of the property?
Thanks Gene

Answered by Penny Nom.
Find two values of x satisfying f(x)=1 where f(x)=sin(ln(x)) 2016-01-21
From Ruth:
I'm trying to find two values of x satisfying f(x)=1 where f(x)=sin(ln(x))
Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of a silo 2016-01-18
From Clinton:
Can you show me how to calculate the ground corn capacity in a steel silos of 10' x 10' high and 10' x 20' high and 10' x 24' high and 10' x 28' high
Answered by Penny Nom.
A Max/Min problem with an unknown constant 2016-01-17
From Guido:

The deflection D of a particular beam of length L is

D = 2x^4 - 5Lx^3 + 3L^2x^2

where x is the distance from one end of the beam. Find the value of x that yields the maximum deflection.

Answered by Penny Nom.
The perimeter of a square 2016-01-16
From dennis:
If I have eleven Square Acres, what would the perimeter dimensions be?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A limit of a rational function 2016-01-16
From selvamani:
F (x) = x^3+3x^2-9x-2 / x^3-x-6 and limit x tends to 2, f (x) exist then limit x tends to 2, f (x) is equal to ? How to answer this problem.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The perimeter of a one quarter acre square 2016-01-15
From Kerry:
If you have a perfect square that is one quarter of an acre what are the length of the sides and how do you arrive at the solution? thank you, Kerry.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Complex numbers in standard form 2016-01-15
From Michael:
express the following complex numbers in standard form (2+3i)+(5-2i)
Answered by Penny Nom.
Solve 1/3 ( x-5 ) + 4 =1/6 ( 2 - 3 x ) +1 for x 2016-01-15
From edwin:
1/3 ( x-5 ) + 4 =1/6 ( 2 - 3 x ) +1
Answered by Penny Nom.
A rectangular enclosure 2016-01-15
From Amber:
A rancher wants to use 300ft of fencing to enclose a rectangular area of 4400 square feet. What dimensions should the rectangle be?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Countable and uncountable sets? 2016-01-15
From wilson:
what are the countable and uncountable sets?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The range of a function defined piecewise 2016-01-13
From sarah:

f(x)={x-2, x<-2
       {x^2-4, -2_<x_<2
       {x+2, x>2

find the range
Answered by Penny Nom.

A triangular shaped garden 2016-01-13
From Demetrie:
Dwayne's garden is triangle-shaped with two equal sides and a third side that is 4 ft more than the length of an equal side. If the perimeter is 49 ft, how long is the longest side?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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