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sector of a circle

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4 items are filed under this topic.
Why 1/2 in the area of a circular sector? 2018-10-26
From Ariel:
In the equation for area of a sector=1/2r^2theta why is it 1/2? Please explain conceptually not algebraically.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A sector of a circle 2016-04-21
From mustafa:
In a sector of a circle, the arc length is equal to half the perimeter of a sector.find the area of a sector in terms of r
Answered by Penny Nom.
The square footage of an area in my backyard 2006-03-17
From Kim:
I need to find out how to calculate the square footage of an area in my backyard that is in the shape of a "slice of pie". There are two sides that are straight lines that come together at the top to form a point, and then at the bottom is a curved line that joins the two other lines together. I need to figure out how to calculate the square footage that is inside the area.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Volume of oil in a tank 1999-04-17
From Lars Waldemarsson:
My problem is to get an equation for the depth of the oil in a gastank formed like a cylinder. The cylinder is in a horizontal position and by a stick you will be able to get the depth of the oil in the tank. All I need is an exmaple which I can build on. By this equation you will be able to get the volume of the oil if you know the depth.
Answered by Harley Weston.



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