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Mathematics Glossary - Middle Years
Maxine Stinka, Saskatchewan Education, Curriculum and Instruction

Note: The definitions included here are those that are used in the Saskatchewan Education document "Mathematics 6-9: A Curriculum Guide for the Middle Level".

Various mathematics dictionaries may have different definitions. These definitions are designed to be meaningful to middle level mathematics teachers.

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  • one of the numbers that make up a number by multiplication. E.g. 3 is a factor of 6 since 6 = 3x2..

factor tree

  • a diagram representing a systematic way of determining all the prime factors of a number. e.g.



  • see rational number

  • any number that can be written in the form a/b where a and b are integers and b cannot equal 0. It is a negative fraction number if it is less than zero i.e. either a or b, but not both, is negative.

frequency diagram

  • used in statistics as a method of recording the data collected. A tally is often used in the frequency diagram to keep track of the number of times something occurs.


  • the region a solid cone or pyramid between the base and a plane parallel to the base.

A few frustums (or frusta)


    a set of ordered pairs where each first element is paired with one and only one second element and no element in either pair is without a partner.


golden rectangle

  • a rectangle where the ratio of its length to its width is (1 + sqrt 5)/2 :1, i.e. about 1.618:1.


hectare (hm2)

  • a unit of area that is 100 m by 100 m. It is equivalent to 10 000 m2.

height of a triangle


  • a type of statistical graph that uses bars, where each bar represents a range of values and the data is continuous.


  • the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle. It is always the longest side in the triangle.



improper fraction

  • a fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal to its denominator. e.g. 11/7.
  • Note: 11/7 and 1 4/7 are both in simplest form.


  • a mathematical sentence that includes one of the symbols >, <, or the symbols for greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, or not equal.


  • any number in the set 0,+/- l,+/- 2,+/- 3, ...

interior angles of a polygon

  • angles within a polygon formed by the intersection of two sides.


  • money paid for the use of someone else's money.
  • Simple interest is calculated using the formula i = prt.
  • Compound interest is calculated by adding the interest on to the principal each time the interest is calculated.


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