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7.2 oz per sq. yard equals ? __ grams per sq. meter 2006-12-20
From Carol:
7.2 oz per sq. yard equals ? __ grams per sq. meter
Answered by Penny Nom.
Splitting A Circle Evenly 2006-12-20
From Joe:
I'm trying to make a game board and instead of having it square, I would like to give it a curve (the game is Parcheesi). The attached diagram is pretty much completed (done in AutoCAD). What I would like to know is how to manually find the points that intersect the red line. In other words, evenly split the semi-circle into 8 pieces.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A regular polygon inscribed in a circle 2006-12-19
From Katy:
If a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius 6.72 centimeters, find the length of one side of the pentagon. How would I got about explaining this?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Miles, square feet and acres 2006-12-18
From Emily:
How do you convert miles to square feet? I have to convert 2.86 miles to square feet and then convert 72.5 acres to square feet and add them together. I looked on your website and what does the word hence mean?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many squares are there on a checkerboard 2006-12-17
From Tania:
how many squares are there altogether on the checkerboard (including the 64 small squares)?
Answered by Penny Nom.
sup {sin n, n est un entier } 2006-12-17
From Madi:
sup {sin n, n est un entier }
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Find the total distance the swing traveled before it stopped. 2006-12-17
From Leah:
Rebecca's little sister liked for her to push her in the swing at the park. The other day Rebecca pulled the swing back and let it go. She would have kept pushing, but she suddenly saw a friend at the other end of the park. The swing traveled a total distance of 10 feet before heading back the other way. Each swing afterwards was only 80% as long as the previous one. Find the total distance the swing traveled before it stopped.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The slope-intercept form 2006-12-17
From Anthony:
I'm really confused with this, tried to figure it out on my own but i can't seem to grasp it here's the problem:
Two points are given
a. Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line containing the two points.
b. Graph the line from Part a and check that both points are on the line.

Answered by Penny Nom.
The product of of two rotations 2006-12-17
From Katie:
Is the product of of two rotations over a different center point always a translation?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Can you characterize ALL polygons by the number of diagonals it has? 2006-12-17
From Katie:
Can you characterize ALL polygons by the number of diagonals it has?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many gallons of water will it hold? 2006-12-17
From Lois:
I have a tank that is 48"long 26" wide and 21 " deep. How many gallons of water will it hold?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Th pitch of a roof 2006-12-15
From Rob:
I am trying to determine how much to add for roof pitch. I guess the best way would be to use a right triangle as an example.

The base of the triangle is always 12 inches. The leg pointing straight up is a variable. I will say 6" in this example. By changing the variable how can i determine how much longer the hypotenuse than the base expressed in percent or decimal.

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
1, 3, 6, 10... 2006-12-15
From Lisa:
What is the nth term for the sequence, '1, 3, 6, 10...' and could you say how you got the anwser.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
cos 2a+cos4a+cos6a=? 2006-12-15
From Saban:
cos 2a+cos4a+cos6a=?
Answered by Steve La Rocque, Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
Four 9s 2006-12-15
From A student:
Can you make 67 with four 9's without using the ceilling method?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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