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The nth term 2006-12-15
From Lisa:
I have worked out that the nth term for 1, 4, 9, 16 is n squared and 3, 5, 7, 9 is 2n - 1, so what is the rule for the sequence 1x3, 4x5, 9x7, 16x9?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The nth term 2006-12-14
From Hepzibah:
what is the definition of nth term and n?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A trig identity 2006-12-14
From Zamira:
i need help with this proof: ((cot(x)-tan(x))/ cot(x) + tan(x)) = cos (x)
Answered by Penny Nom.
I want to convert milliliters into grams. 2006-12-14
From Kenchotenzin :
I want to convert milliliters into grams.
Answered by Penny Nom.
cos(n)pi = (-1)^n 2006-12-14
From Idrees:
How can I prove the following: cos(n)pi = (-1)^n
Answered by Steve La Rocque.
Equal ratios 2006-12-13
From Velkis:
Answered by Penny Nom.
Place value, coins and money 2006-12-12
From Emily:
I was wondering what the best way would be to teach place value using coins and money. I have used base ten blocks already and am looking for a way to integrate money, perhaps on a place value chart and perhaps using decimals.
Answered by Diane Hanson.
The average of 3 tests 2006-12-12
From Charles:
If you average 84 on first three test and the first score was 67. The second score was 7 less than the third score. What was the score on the second and third test.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The Pythagorean theorem 2006-12-12
From Beth:
In a pythagorean theorem can the sides of a right triangle be three consecutive odd integers
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Drilling holes in a cube 2006-12-12
From Liz:
What is the volume of the solid remaining if a unit cube has a hole drilled thru one face to the opposite side and the hole that is drilled is a cylinder of unit diameter. Then the cube is rotated and an identical hole is drilled from an untouched face to the opposite side. Then the cube is rotated and an identical hole is drilled between the last two untouched faces. This will result in the cube vertices and the remaining volume of the cube falling into 8 parts. What is the total volume of these 8 parts. How is this volume calculated?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The sum of the angles in a triangle 2006-12-12
From Becky:
Why does a triangle always equal 180 degrees? We know that all the angles add up to 180 degrees but cant find a valid reason for it.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cary was going to meet Jane at the airport, ... 2006-12-11
From Carmen:
cary was going to meet jane at the airport, if he traveled 60mph, he would arrive one hour early, and he traveled 30 mph, he would arrive one hour late. how far was the airport? recall: distance=speed(time)
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Circles and polygons 2006-12-11
From Irene:
Can you define a circle as a polygon with an infinite number of sides which are infinitely small? If you can, can you then define a cylinder as a prism? The sides would be rectangles or parallelograms with one length infinitely small?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
The absolute value of imaginary and complex numbers 2006-12-11
From Keith:
i don't get how to find the absolute value of imaginary and complex numbers here is an examples from the text book the answers are given but they don't show the work so i can follow along just show me the work please and explain how it is done


Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Base 5 2006-12-11
From Shelley:
how do you convert decimal numbers to a given base for example 2,875 to base five?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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