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1.26 billion 2006-12-10
From James:
how do you write 1.26 billion
Answered by Penny Nom.
A trapezoid with one right angle? 2006-12-09
From Andre:
How do you draw a trapezoid with one right angle?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Rate of a boat and a river 2006-12-09
From Dale:
If a boat goes downstream 72 miles in 3 hours and upstream 60 miles in 6 hour, the rate of the river and the rate of the boat in still water respectively are ____?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Multiplying fractions 2006-12-09
From Nicole:
When you are Multiplying Fractions why is the answer always smaller?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Parallel and perpendicular lines 2006-12-07
From Valeria:
I m having trouble with parallel and perpendicular lines a problem i need help with is y=6 find the slope if al line parallel to the graph of each equation
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Rolle's Theorem 2006-12-07
From Erika:
If f(x) = (x^2)(square root of [3-x]) on the interval [0,3] is given, Does Rolle's Theorem apply? If yes, find any values of c such that f '(c)=0
Answered by Penny Nom.
lim x-->infinity cos x 2006-12-07
From Katie:
I was wondering if it was possible to find: lim x-->infinity cos x
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Fill in the signs 2006-12-07
From Ujwala:
4$4$4$4=20 Fill in the signs in the place of dollor symbol.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Factoring m^4-9^n 2006-12-07
From Josh:
I can not figure out how to completely factor m^4-9^n.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The proof of inequality by mathematical induction 2006-12-07
From Carol:
S(n) = 2^n > 10n+7 and n>=10
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The square footage of an irregular lot 2006-12-07
From Lori:
If I have a rectangular irregular sized lot with the following:

A - 110.53'
B - 159.87'
C - 127.28'
D - 165.86'

How do I determine the square footage?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Injective but not surjective 2006-12-07
From Damaris:
A function that is injective but not surjective where f: N-->N
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
What is the diameter of the planet? 2006-12-07
From Niall:
In April 2005, scientists claimed to have captured light from an extrasolar planet orbiting a brown dwarf in the constellation Hydra some 230 light-years from Earth. The scientists believe the planet is about five times the mass of Jupiter.

Assume the planet has the same density as Jupiter. What is the diameter of the planet?

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
l'intérêt 2006-12-06
From Frédéric:
Bonjour, je me permet de vous envoyer un "petit" problème mathématique car je suis très mauvais même pour de très simples opérations comme celle qui va suivre!(lol). Si vous pouviez m'aider cela m'éviterai beaucoup de recherches inutiles. Voici le problème : une personne a placé 117180 en banque et cette somme lui rapporte tous les trimestres 936 d'intéret. Premièrement, peut on connaître le taux d'intéret ? Et deuxièmement, combien lui rapporterai, en intéret, la somme de 97180 ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A 15% tip 2006-12-06
From Danielle:
When she eats at a restaurant,Viviana like to leave a 15% tip,multiplying the price of the meal by 0.15. Franklin usually leaves a 20% tip,multiplying the price by 0.20.They both round up to the nearest $0.05. How much tip would Viviana leave for a $24.85 meal?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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