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Pick any prime number greater than 3,square it ,then ... 2006-11-20
From Eliseo:
I was ask to pick any prime number greater than 3,square it ,then subtract 4, then divide the new result by 12 and record the remainder. He told me the remainder was 9. How could he be sure that the remainder was 9 without knowing which prime I picked?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The square footage of 1.29 acres 2006-11-20
From Steve:
What is the approx. square footage of 1.29 acres?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Ratios 2006-11-20
From Debbie:
Business mileage:7,200 Private Mileage 10,800 What is the ratio of his business mileage to his private mileage
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many trains of length 5 are there? 2006-11-20
From Shea:
A "train of length 5" is a row of blocks whose combined length is 5. Here are some examples: 1-2-2, 2-1-2, 1-3-1, 5, 1-4. If you use identical blocks in a different order, this is a separate train. How many trains of length 5 are there? Come up with a formula for the number of trains of length n.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A cyclic quadrilateral 2006-11-20
From Namrata:
If two sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are parallel, prove that
(1) remaining two sides are equal,
(2) both diagonals are equal.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Circle geometry 2006-11-19
From Namrata:
AB is a diameter and AC IS A CHORD OF A CIRCLE SUCH THAT angle=30. the tangent at C intersect AB produced in a pointD. Prove that BC=BD.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The height of a building 2006-11-19
From Sweetie:
I have to figure out the measure of the water towers antenna on my schools campus using up to two items created by me and a manual. I don't know far away we are going to have to be. I need to have a fool proof way to figure out the distance to the tower. I have an idea using trigonometry but its really roughly estimated. Do you have any suggestions?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Composition of functions 2006-11-19
From RJ:
Let f0(x) = 2/2-x and fn+1 = f0 o fn for n greater than or equal to 0. Find a formula for fn and prove it by mathematical induction. Recall that o represents function composition. i.e., (f o g)(x) = f(g(x)).
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Conic sections 2006-11-19
From Joyce:
My son has a project on conic sections. I need the following information on Parabola, Circle, ellipse,and hyperbola. He can't find the following information for each conic section: equations with explanations, four uses for each shape and Shape explanation.
Answered by Penny Nom.
On day 1 on which day will 96 students donate food? 2006-11-19
From Veydee:
during a canned food drive the number of students who donate food doubles each day. If three students donate food on day 1 on which day will 96 students donate food? we have to find the term rule for this pattern
Answered by Penny Nom.
Scale factors and ratios 2006-11-19
From Maggie:
I have a BIG math test coming up, and it's about scale factors and ratios, but i don't understand them at all. How can you tell the difference between scale factors and ratios? and How are they used in the everyday world?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two trains left the station at the same time and traveled in opposite directions. 2006-11-18
From Tori:
Two trains left the station at the same time and traveled in opposite directions. The E train averaged 130 km/h. The A train's speed was 110 km/h. In how many hours were they 480 km apart?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A pyramid project 2006-11-18
From Becka:
i'm doing a pyramid project and i'm having some trouble with the dimensions. if my base is 14in. then what should my angle and height be?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A particle moving along a curve 2006-11-18
From Rachel:
a particle is moving along the curve whose equation is: (xy^3)/(1+y^2)=8/5 assume the x-coordinate is increasing at the rate of 6 units per second when the particle is at the point (1,2).
a. at what rate is the y-coordinate of the point changing at that instant?
b. is the particle rising or falling at that instant?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Composition of functions 2006-11-18
From Oryan:
Given f(x)=-2x^3 and g(x)-4x-5, find g(f(-1))
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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