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How much did I spend on the first trip? 2006-09-10
From Alexander:
I have $600 to spend.
I take 10 shopping trips.
Each trip I spend $10 more than the last trip.

How much did I spend on the first trip?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.

le prix de départ 2006-09-10
From un élève:
Une jupe coûte 36 euros après une démarque de 20% quel est le prix de départ moi j'ai trouvé 45 euros mais je n'ai pas la formule de calcul exacte
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Your birthdays until your one hundredth 2006-09-09
From Alan:
which of your birthdays until your one hundredth, fall on the same day of the week as the day you were born?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
A hexagonal concrete form 2006-09-09
From Lewis:
How many cubic yards of cement will be required to fill a hexagonal concrete form with equal 12 foot sides that will be 3 feet thick?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Plotting co-ordinates on a number plane 2006-09-08
From Victor:
I need to plot co-ordinates (0,2), (2,-2), (-2,0), and (0,0) on a number or co-ordinates plane, I am not sure how to do this, and get lost after the first point, can you please help?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The radius of a cone 2006-09-08
From Hermanson:
I know the cone is 20 degrees at the top and 80 degrees at the bottom. What is the formula for finding the radius?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
what is 8+(-2)(-5)/4-(-1)-4(-2+3) 2006-09-08
From Jordan:
what is 8+(-2)(-5)/4-(-1)-4(-2+3)
Answered by Paul Betts.
How much cement would I need? 2006-09-07
From Lou:
At a five to one mix how much sand/gravel and how much cement would I need for a 71/2 yard pour?

What formula would I use for this calculation. My sand/gravel is in a cone shaped pile and I know how to calculate that. I need to know if I have enough and how many bags of cement I need to buy. I will be using a engine operated cement mixer
Answered by Harley Weston.

The velocity of a pendulum, part II 2006-09-07
From Erin:
We saw the question in your database about the velocity of a pendulum swinging.....It is the same exact question....but there is another question......it says....

"estimate the instantaneous rate of change of d with respect to t when t = 1.5. At this time, is the pendulum moving toward or away from the wall? Explain."

Answered by Harley Weston.
History of mathematics 2006-09-06
From Sharon:
i am looking for the history of math could you help
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Cubic feet 2006-09-06
From Tom:
How do I calculate cubic feet ? What is the formula?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Converting a decimal into a fraction 2006-09-06
From Andres:
How do i convert a decimal into a fraction?
Answered by Penny Nom.
2-row arrays 2006-09-06
From Liz & Samantha:
What do you call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?
Answered by Penny Nom.
I have 4 numbers and want to find all possible combinations. 2006-09-05
From Candace:
I have 4 numbers and want to find all possible combinations. I come up with 24 but that seems too small...am I correct that there should be more?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Metric Conversions 2006-09-02
From Patricia:
I have a new difficulty, metric conversion when it involves the prefixes. Some problems I need help with are:
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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