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Traveling from Asheville to Indianapolis 2006-02-21
From Grace:
Carol was traveling from Asheville, North Carolina, to Indianapolis, Indiana, by bus. At the halfway point of her trip, in terms of distance, she fell asleep. When she awoke, her distance to Indianapolis was half the distance that she had traveled while she slept. For what fraction of her trip did Carol sleep?
Answered by Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque.
Stem-and-leaf plots, box-and-whisker plots and medians 2006-02-21
From A student:
explain which plot would be easiest to use to find the median....box-and-whiskers plot or stem-and-leaf plot
Answered by Penny Nom.
Find the xy equation of the curve on which Brian is located. 2006-02-20
From Skye:
Andrew, located at (0, -2200) fired a rifle. The sound echoed off a cliff at (0,2200) to Brian, located at point (x,y). Brian heard the echo 6 seconds after he heard the original shot. Find the xy equation of the curve on which Brian is located. Assume the distances are in feet and that sound travels at 1100 feet/second. (hint: find the equation of the hyperbola)
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A man sells a refrigerator for $171 2006-02-20
From Skye:
A man sells a refrigerator for $171, gaining on the sale as many percent (based on the cost) as the refrigerator cost, C, in dollars. Find C.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
probleme sin cos 2006-02-19
From Thibault:
mon probleme commence par: f(x)=sinx (sinx+1)+ cos²x
donc en le dévellopant on trouve: f(x)= sin²x + sinx + cos²x
et apres ce que je ne comprend pas est que par la suite on trouve: f(x)= 1+sinx
qu'est-ce qui fait que l'on trouve ce resultat??

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Petit Problème 2006-02-19
From Jean-Philippe:
30 ouvriers travail 12 jours pour effectuer un travail.
Combien 20 ouvriers vont-ils mettre à effectuer ce travail ?
Hormis une règle de trois existe t-il un autre moyen d'arrivée à trouver une solution ?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Translate and magnify a triangle 2006-02-19
From A student:
Triangle CAT has vertices located at C(-2,5), A(-5,1), T(1,1)

Translate triangle CAT 4 units right and magnify the triangle by 3. List the new coordinates and explain the process of computing the new coordinates.

Graph triangle CAT and the new triangle form part A on the same coordinate plane....

Will the area of the new triangle be 3 times as large as the original?? Explain why or why not

Answered by Penny Nom.
Outliers in a box and whisker plot 2006-02-19
From A student:
i need help on determining if their is an outlier...i know how to find the median and the lower quartile and the upper quartile..but i don't understand about the outliers....please tell me if their is an outlier in this problem....the numbers are...63,88,89,89,95,98,99,99,100,100
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 35% discount 2006-02-19
From Marc:
If Julie paid $455.00 for a television and it was already discounted by 35% what was the original price?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Whose photo is he looking at? 2006-02-19
From Adeyeri:
Looking at a picture a man says, that the father of the person (in photo) is the son of my father. whose photo is he looking at?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Another normal distribution problem 2006-02-18
From Mary:
Assume that blood pressure readings are normally distributed with a mean of 120 and standard deviation of 8. A researcher wishes to select people for a study but wants to exclude the top and bottom 10 percent. What would be the upper & lower readings to qualify people to participate in the study?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Potting soil 2006-02-17
From Cheryl:
I need to buy some potting soil for a raised planting bed that is 6'x24'x1'. How do you figure how many 2 cu. ft. bags of potting soil that I will need?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
One acre 20 feet deep 2006-02-16
From Bob:
How many cubic yards of material are in one acre of land approximately 20 feet deep? What is the approximate weight of one cubic yard of Black dirt, Gravel, and Sand?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Broken-line graphs and histograms 2006-02-16
From George:

1. What is the main difference between a broken-line graph and a histogram? Both represent continuous variables.

2. What is the correct way to read a multiplication array: x-axis first and then y-axis, other way around or it doesn't matter?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The height of a cylinder 2006-02-15
From Autumn:
the surface area of a cylinder with circumference 24pi cm. is 300pi cm2 . what is the height???
Answered by Penny Nom.



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