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A locus problem 2006-02-08
From Jason:
If the distance from p(1,5) is 3/4 that of the distance of a(4,-3)? find the equation of a locus.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The Isoperimetric Quotient 2006-02-07
From Ceri:
I am studying Isoperimetric Quotient as part of my mathematics course and have been told that the only shape with an I.Q of 1 is the circle but when I work out the I.Q of a million sided regular polygon, the answer always comes out as 1. My teacher insists it is the just the calculator rounding things up, but I have tried loads of calculators and it always comes out as 1. Can you solve my conundrum?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Highest common factor 2006-02-06
From Sajid:

1.A rectangular field has dimensions 156 m and 84 m. It is to be fenced with wire netting supported by stakes, equally spaced, a stake being placed at each corner of the field. What is the greatest possible distance between any two stakes, given that it should be more than 2 m and less than 8 m?

2. What is the length of the side of the largest square tile which can be used to cover a floor 525 cm long by 275 cm wide without leaving a gap?

3. Find the greatest number which will divide 140 and 249 to leave remainders 8 and 18 respectively?

4. Find the greatest number which will divide 304 and 298 so as to leave remainder 4 in each case.

Answered by Penny Nom.
6^(x+1) = 12^(x-3) 2006-02-05
From BB:
6x+1 =12x-3
Answered by Penny Nom.
Solve for x 2006-02-05
From Minti:
how can you solve for x?

f(x) = -1/4pi(x²) =10x -x²(4-pi)/8

Answered by Penny Nom.
Find the ground speed and the planes true heading. 2006-02-05
From Jimmie:
An aircraft going from city A to city B on a bearing of S69E (degrees) is traveling at a speed of 430 mph. The wind is blowing out of the north to south at a speed of 25 mph. Find the ground speed and the planes true heading.
Answered by Penny Nom.
An irregular quadrilateral 2006-02-04
From Christopher:
Is there such a shape as an irregular quadrilateral with 4 equal sides?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Mixing 2006-02-03
From Caren:
If I am 75% flippino and 25% white and the guy is full white what will be the whole percentage of the flippino and white nationality in the baby?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Why 1/3 in the volume formula for a pyramid? 2006-02-03
From Becky:
why is the formula for finding the volume of a pyramid divide by 3?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The intersection of a line and a circle 2006-02-02
From Bernice:
if i am given an equation of a circle and 2 points in a line how do i know if the line intersects the circle and how do i determine the points of intersection
Answered by Chris Fisher.
How long and how wide is the table? 2006-02-02
From A student:
the perimeter of a table is 24 feet. the table is twice as long as it is wide. how long and how wide is the table?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Prove that p^n >= (p!)/(p-n)! 2006-02-02
From Rhydian:


pn >= (p!)/(p-n)!

Answered by Penny Nom.
More on the game of 24 2006-02-02
From Cathy:
10,16,9,4 this numbers have to equal up to 24. we can't figure it out.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Arrays of 36 items 2006-02-01
From A parent:
My third grader brought home this math problem:

Here are five arrays for 36.
1. Lable the dimension for each array.
2. Write a multiplicatiuon sentence for each arrray.

Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of a pentagon 2006-02-01
From Edward:
I am working on finding the Sq. ft of a pentagon. I saw another question like it but I am lost. I have a pentagon that is 6ft on every side what is the Sq Footage of that pentagon?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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