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The area of a hexagon 2005-10-23
From Bhavin:
i have a radius of hexagon given as 1.5 km. and i want to find the area of that hexagon.
Answered by Penny Nom.
(x/1+x)^x 2005-10-23
From A student:
LIMIT x-.->0 (x/1+x)x how to solve it.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Least common multiple 2005-10-22
From Dayna:
I'm stumped! I can't seem to come up with a least common multiple of 22 and 25. Is there one?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A triangular pyramid 2005-10-22
From Stacee:
When stacking oranges to form a triangular pyramid, each orange touching 3 oranges below it. In order to have a pyramid with 6 layers, how many oranges should be on the bottom layer?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A conical hat 2005-10-22
From Manish:
I need to make a conical hat for my daughter's upcoming fancy dress, the circumference of the base(hollow) is 50 cms,the height of the cone is 30 cms,what should be the dimensions of the paper which will make a cone of the beforementioned dimensions?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Improper fractions 2005-10-21
From Joe:
Is a whole number an improper fraction. For example, is 4 an improper fraction? Is 4 an improper fraction? Is 4 the simplest form for 20/5? Are 4 and 20/5 equivalent fractions?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many cubic feet are in 8 yards? 2005-10-20
From Neisha:
I am trying to figure out how many cubic feet are in 8 yards. I am trying to pour a concrete slab. The width is 24 ft, lenth is 30 ft, and it is 4 inches thick
Answered by Penny Nom.
sin(kx) = x 2005-10-20
From David:
What is an integer value for k so that sin(kx) = x has exactly 2005 solutions? How does one arrive at the answer?
Answered by Harley Weston.
A cube in a sphere 2005-10-19
From Damian:
A sphere passes through the eight corners of a cube side 10cm. Find the volume of the sphere.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Painter's caps 2005-10-19
From Duk:
The equation C=10 +2n represents the cost in dollars, C, for n painter's caps advertising the walkathon. Which pair of values could represent a number of caps and the cost for that number of caps, (n, C)?

(0, 10) (7, 24) (15, 30)

Answered by Penny Nom.
Coefficient of variation 2005-10-19
From Jan:
I am currently teaching the coefficient of variation and am wondering if there are some guidelines as to the interpretation of this statistic. I understand that it measures the variation in a variable relative to the mean - but what is the cut off for "too much" variation expressed in this way???
Answered by Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom.
Inverse 2005-10-18
From Pauline:
Défi ! a et b désignent deux nombres distincts non nuls. Peut-on trouver un nombre à retrancher du numérateur et du dénominateur du quotien a/b pour obtenir son inverse b/a?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Can we take the derivative of independent variable 2005-10-18
From Mussawar:
why we take derivative of dependent variable with respect to independent variable .can we take the derivative of independent with respect to dependent.if not why.
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
A line that intersects a circle 2005-10-18
From Bruce:
I would like to solve the following problem illustrated below. How do you calculate the length of a line that intersects a circle.
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is the angle between 2 non-collinear parallel lines? 2005-10-17
From Ben:
What is the angle (if any) between 2 non-collinear parallel lines?
Answered by Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley.



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