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Guess and Check 2005-11-01
From Robin:

Greta has a vegetable garden. She sells her extra produce at the local Farmer's Market. One Saturday she sold $200 worth of vegetables --peppers, squash, tomatoes and corn.

Greta received the same amount of money for the peppers as she did for the squash.

The tomatoes brought in twice as much as the peppers and squash together.

The money she made from corn was $8 more than she made from the other three kinds of vegetables combined.

How much did Greta receive for each kind of vegetable?

Answered by Penny Nom.
problème de trigonométrie 2005-11-01
From Manon:
Soit un triangle ABC, de cotes a , b et c, avec A=45° et B=60°.
Apres avoir demontre que 3a²-2b²=0 (que jai fais en utilisant la regle du sinus) et a²-2c²+2ac=0 (que jai fait en utilisant la regle du cosinus), vous montrerez que laire du triangle ABC peut sexprimer: { [ 3 + racine carre 3 ] / 12 } b² unites.

Je ne sais pas comment arriver a cette expression de laire. Je narrive pas a exprimer c² et ac en fonction de b².. et je pense que ca pourrait vraiment aider..
puisque je suis arrive a letape:
ac[(racine carre 3) / 4]
avec ac = a² + c² - b²
et a² = 2/3 b²
ms c²= 1/3 b² + ac

Answered by Claude Tardif.
2, 6, 12, 20, 30, ... 2005-11-01
From Rebecca:
I have a sequence of I have a sequence of 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, and have no idea how to figure out the nth term please help!
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Volumes 2005-10-31
From Diane:
My name is Diane and I am a returning student to a vocational technical school.

As a reference point to see what I did/didn't remember from my HS math days, I was sent home with a 75 problem math packet. I was fine until I got to computing:

1. the volume of a cylinder-is it pi r2 h?

2. the volume of a cone- is it pi/3 r2 h?

3. the volume of a sphere- I can't even hazard a guess.

Help- my last classroom was 23 years ago, and I've forgotten far too much!

Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring 2005-10-30
From A student:
Factor 18x3 y3 + 12xy2
Answered by Penny Nom.
A sum of 75 and a difference of 13 2005-10-30
From Vicki:
Find two numbers that have a difference of 13 AND A SUM OF 75? We need to learn about the formula or procedure.
Answered by Penny Nom.
(-2^6) = ? 2005-10-29
From Amy:
My teacher gave me the problem (-26) on our homework. She marked it wrong when I wrote down -64 for an answer. She said the correct answer was 64. Can you explain why it is 64?
Answered by Penny Nom and Leeanne Boehm.
Two 3-digit numbers 2005-10-27
From Melissa:
I can't figure this out, The question is

Find the greatest possible difference of two 3-digit numbers that use the digits 3, 5, 7 and 9 only once in each number.

The teacher says the answer is 62 but I can't figure out how she did it. Can you help.

Answered by Claude Targif and Penny Nom.
A two cubic foot box 2005-10-27
From Michael:
I need to make a box that measures two cubic feet. It will be used to items in to determine if an inmate has to much property. They can only possess 2 cubic feet of property. How can I convert that into measurements in inches for feet so I can make a box with a lid that is 2 cubic foot. I sure hope you can help me
Answered by Penny Nom.
Velocity and acceleration 2005-10-27
From Candace:
When taking the integral of the position function, you get the velocity function, and the same for velocity to acceleration. So when you do each of these, you get a function. But when you integrate on a graph, you get an area under a curve. The area is un units squared- where do the units go when you make it an equation? How can a function be an area?
Answered by Harley Weston.
A slump cone 2005-10-27
From Wendy:
we are trying to make a slump cone (used to measure the slump in concrete). It has dimensions of 8" diameter on the bottom, 4" diameter hole on the top and a height of 12". Please help, it is getting frustrating.
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many cubic yards of dirt will be needed? 2005-10-27
From Mike:
We are filling in a hole left by the removal of an aboveground pool that was dug into the ground. The diameter is 25' across and the depth is 5'. I wondered how many cubic yards of dirt will be needed to fill this hole.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Marked down 31% 2005-10-27
From Virginia:

Question: How do you calculate a percentage back into a cost?

Example: $1,025.00 sale cost and I want to add 31 percent back into it for a list cost.

Answered by Penny Nom.
What number am I? 2005-10-27
From Samantha:
First 8 is added to me, then I am multiplied by 6. Then 40 is subtracted from me. Finally, I am divided by 10. The result is 11. What number am I?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cubic feet and imperial gallons 2005-10-27
From Dave:
What is the volume in cubic feet which is occupied by 1080 Canadian gallons of water?
Answered by Harley Weston.



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