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An octagonal deck 2005-06-07
From Scott:
I want to build a octagonal deck. The wood I am using are cut in 8 foot lenghts. What I want to know is if the sides of the octagonal are 8 feet, what is the diameter. Also what are the angles of each side?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many digits? 2005-06-07
From Floren:
The numbers 21989 and 51989 are written one after another. How many digits in all are there?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Asymptotes 2005-06-06
From Abraham:
What are the equations of all horizontal and vertical asymptotes for the curve y=x/(x(x2-4))(the answer is y=0, x=-2, x=2, but I want to know how to get that algebraically.And why isn't x=0 another asymptote?)
Answered by Leeanne Boehm.
The length of a whale 2005-06-04
From Judy:
A whale's head is 72 inches long... its tail is as long as its head plus half the length of its body, and its body is half the entire length. Who long is the whale?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Primes 2005-06-04
From Fede:
Prove that there is not a number prime p, for which the numbers p+5 and p+10 are prime too.
Answered by Penny Nom.
problème de math 2005-06-03
From Nadia:
1* La somme de 3 multiples de 6 consécutifs est 72.Quels sont ces nombres?

2* Dans la fabrication d’un alliage, on utilise 5g de manganèse pour 32g de fer.
a) Quelle quantité de manganèse retrouve-t-on dans un morceau de cet alliage s’il contient 512g de fer? 00015166

b) Quelle est la masse totale de ce morceau si le fer et le manganèse en sont les seules composantes?


Answered by Claude Tardif.
arccos(5/13) 2005-05-31
From Kyle:
I would like to know how to evaluate the problem of: Arccos 5/13.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The numbers p and 8p^2 +1 are prime. 2005-05-30
From Antonio:
The numbers p and 8p2 +1 are prime. Prove that the number 8p2+2p+1 is also a prime number.
Answered by Claude Tardif and Penny Nom.
The volume of a sphere. Why 4/3? 2005-05-30
From Lauren:
You know when you find the volume of sphere? I know the formula is V= 4/3 pi r3 but why do they use 4/3?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Square feet and cubic feet 2005-05-30
From Kim:
Is there a relationship between square feet and cubic feet?
Answered by Penny Nom.
5+5+5=550 2005-05-30
From Bill:


This is a math equation that is not true. How can it be made to be true by using only one line?
Answered by Leeanne Boehm.

Which is larger, 31^11 or 17^14? 2005-05-29
From Linda:
Which number is greater 3111 or 1714 (without using calculator).
Answered by Chris Fisher and Paul Betts.
The volume of a hopper 2005-05-28
From Brian:
I would like to know the volume of this rectangular hopper. can you help
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cost price 2005-05-25
From Sunitha:
What is (how to calculate) the cost price of a product which is marked-up by 15% and retailed at $25?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A parabolic mirror 2005-05-24
From Nathan:
i am trying to find the equation for a mirror for a laser experiment. the mirror is parabolic but my question is how do you find the equation when you know only the focus and the diameter the mirror diameter is 520 mm and the focus is at 1024 mm. would you just use the measurements in the equation instead of "nice numbers" or what.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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