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Logarithmic differentiation 2005-05-23
From Richard:
I need to convince myself that I understand the process of differentiating y=xx.
The specific question is that if I have to take the logarithm of both sides of the equation how can differentiate the following?
y= {(x+2)(x+2)}/{(x+1)(x+1)} - {(x+1)(x+1)}/(xx),
I have an idea that the differential of this fairly complex function is itself ... am I right or wrong.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Cubic feet of concrete 2005-05-23
From Robert:



Answered by Penny Nom.
50^99 and 99! 2005-05-23
From Romel:
Which number is greater, 5099 or 99!
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A triangular lot 2005-05-21
From Linda:
I am looking to purchase a piece of property, and I need some help trying to figure out the square footage of the land. I know that normally if I multiply the length and width I could get my answer. However, this piece of land is an odd shape and has 3 measurements. Can you please help me.
The measurements for this piece of land is:


Answered by Penny Nom.
The area of an octagon 2005-05-21
From Jeremy:
i need to find the area of an octagon with each side measuring 1 foot
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring 2005-05-20
From Abraham:
Can you please explain to me how to factor completely the following problem:
(sqrt(x+1))-((x2+2x+1)( -7/4)).

Answered by Penny Nom.
A right triangle 2005-05-18
From Bill:
If I know the base and the slanted side of a right triangle, how do I figure out the height?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The units digit 2005-05-18
From Gerald:
Juan wrote the first 12 powers of 2. He noticed a pattern in the digits in the units places of the results. He said he could use this pattern to predict the digits for 2 to the power of 100.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The circumference of an oval pool 2005-05-18
From John:
I have an oval pool of which I am trying to find the circumference. it is 38 feet long and 19 feet wide
Answered by Penny Nom.
Which is smaller 2^175 or 5^75? 2005-05-18
From Sarah:
Which is smaller 2175 or 575? without using a calculator.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A six digit answer 2005-05-18
From Angela:
I have a 6 digit answer that is comprised of only 4 symbols: a square, a circle, a triangle, and an X. How many possible solutions are there and how is the best way to find out what ALL the solutions are?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Jobs relating to the topics of ratios and proportions 2005-05-17
From Alexa:
What are some jobs relating to the topics of ratios and proportions other than architects and map makers?
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Divisibility of a^2 + b^2 2005-05-16
From Ampa:
given natural numbers a and b such that a2+b2 is divisible by 21, prove that the same sum of squares is also divisible by 441.
Answered by Penny Nom.
What is my acreage? 2005-05-16
From Vonis:
My property is 65.5 feet by 130 feet. what is my acreage?
Answered by Penny Nom.
L'hopital's rule 2005-05-15
From Abraham:
Find the limit of [(1/(x+4))-(1/4)]/x as x approaches zero. How do you use l"hopital's rule to find this limit. I know how to do it with multiplying everything by 4(x+4), and getting the answer, -1/16.But how do you apply derivatives with l'hopitals rule to this type of problem?
Answered by Penny.



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