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Angle of incline 2005-05-15
From Kyle:
What is the degree of incline of a 12 foot plank that goes from 10.5 inches on one end to zero inches on the other?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many cubic feet in a yard? 2005-05-13
From Carol:
How do you measure a cubic foot? How many cubic feet in a yard?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Maximizing revenue 2005-05-13
From Jackie:
1.The manager of a 100-unit apartment complex knows from experience that all units will be occupied if the rent is $400 per month. A market survey suggests that, on the average, one additional unit will remain vacant for each $5 increase in rent. What rent should the manager charge to maximize revenue?

2.During the summer months Terry makes and sells necklaces on the beach. Last summer he sold the necklaces for $10 each and his sales averaged 20 per day. When he increased the price by $1, he found that he lost two sales per day.

a. Find the demand function, assuming it is linear.
b. If the material for each necklace costs Terry $6, what should the selling price be to maximize his profit?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Adding consecutive integers 2005-05-13
From Yas:
i need some help with my work which is to investigating sums of consecutive numbers for example: 15= 4+5+6 and 15=1+2+3+4+5
Answered by Penny Nom.
Surface areas 2005-05-11
From Jessica:
How can I demonstrate to my high school students the reason for the formulas for the surface area of a prism, right cylinder, and regular pyramid, and right cone?
Answered by Penny Nom.
sin x + sin 2x + sin 3x + sin 4x = 0 2005-05-10
From Elia:
I tried many times, but can't get to solve the following question:
sin x + sin 2x + sin 3x + sin 4x = 0

Answered by Chris Fisher.
Some triangle problems 2005-05-06
From A student:
1.use the heron's formula to find area of triangle ABC to nerest tenth

A.a=21 b=28 c=11

B.a=23 b=28 c=12

2.Find the nearest tenth the altitude of the longest side if a=3 b=3 c=5

3.the length of each side of a rhombus is 10 cm the length of one diagonal is 12 cm find the area to the nearest square centermeter

Answered by Penny Nom.
y = x+2 and y = 2x - 1 2005-05-03
From Kimberley:
Question: y=x+2 y=2x-1
Answered by Penny Nom.
16x^2+20x-12x-15 2005-05-03
From Tanya:
how they got (4x+5)(4x-5) from

Answered by Penny Nom.
Graphing an inequality 2005-05-02
From Janice:
I need to know how to graph inequalities. I need to know just abot everything. From graphing an equation to shading.
Answered by Leeanne Boehm.
Two problems 2005-04-29
From Sara:

#1 A boat is traveling in a straight line across a river from point D, directly opposite town P, to a point Q, two thirds of the distance from town P to town R. Towns P and R are towns on the same side of the lake and are 18 miles apart. Line DQ passes through town S, which is 8 miles north of town R. Points P, Q, and R are collinear. What is the length of QS in Miles?
How many miles does the boat travel across the river?

#2 What is the area of a regular hexagon if the perimeter is 24cm?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Volume and surface area of a prism 2005-04-29
From Melissa:
Can you please tell me if the volume and surface area of a prism can ever be the same? Could you please explain why or why not.
Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Problème de géométrie 2005-04-29
From Christian:
C un cercle de centre I et de rayon 3 cm. SORT est un carré inscrit dans le cercle C M est un point quelconque de C Calculer la somme des carrés des distances de M aux sommets du carré (MS2 + MO2 +MR2 + MT2) Cette somme dépend-elle de la position de M sur le cercle ?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Area of a region on a map 2005-04-28
From Balachandar:
Pl. find the attached map.

1. Can u pl. find out the total square are of WLMZ
2. Can u pl .find out the total square are of WXYZ -- { A }
3. Can u pl .find out the total square are of XLMY -- { B }

Pl .help me to find out the above.


Answered by Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
A quadratic equation 2005-04-27
From Chris:
Solve using the quadratic formula

9x² + 9x - 5 = 0
I don't get the same answer as in the text book which is
-3+/- √29/36
Hope you can help....

Answered by Penny Nom.



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