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A 5% increase 2005-04-27
From Debra:
How can I determine the increased percentage of a dollar amount? I.e.: One dollar amount is $202 and another is $150, how can I determine the 5% increase from last year on the $202 dollar amount?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Cubic yards of sand 2005-04-27
From Renee:
I need to find out how much sand I would need to order for the base of a horse round pen. The pen is 40 ft across and I would like a depth of 4 inches. I have to order the sand in cubic yards.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Un repère orthonormal 2005-04-26
From Ylène:

Dans un repère orthonormal, le point A a pour coordonnées (-2;3) et le point B a pour (4;-5). A partir des coordonnées des points A et B on propose les calculs suivants:

a/ (-2+4 sur 2 ; 3-5 sur 2)
b/ (4+2; -5-3)
c/ racine carré (4+2)²+(-5-3)²

dans chaque cas, quelle est la notion géométrique ainsi mise en évidence?

Answered by Claude Tardif.
mod n 2005-04-26
From Jean:
Réecrire (5A27)en base 16 changer en base 8 ( (2n)!+ 1) (mod n) (1-764n) (mod n) (n+1)exposant 78355 (mod n) PPCM(n!+1 , n!)
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Probability and smoking 2005-04-24
From Sean:
20% of a certain population smoke. For smokers the probability of dieing of lung cancer is ten times what it is for non-smokers. Over all the probability of dying of lung cancer is .006. Find the probability for smokers and nonsmokers.
Answered by Chris Fisher.
A pyramid 2005-04-24
From Marc:
I'm helping my daughter build a pyramid,it needs to be 30cm in height. I have cut out four pieces at 30 deg angles. When I went to join up the pieces it did not fit. I re-check my measuments and found that they were correct. Do I need to cut two pieces smaller so they can match up? Did I cut them at the wrong angles. My base is also 30cm, is that my problem?
Answered by Chris Fisher and Harley Weston.
An isosceles triangle...with 2005-04-23
From Shannon:
If given an isosceles triangle...with
Is there any possible way to do this, without knowing a side, if so, please explain in detail.

Answered by Chris Fisher.
A pattern of numbers 2005-04-21
From Claire:
We need to be able to discover the nth term in a pattern of numbers and explain how we did it. We have arrived at the formula 1+2+3+...n=n(n+1)/2 for trios where a trio series is;

3 has the following trio (1,1,1)
4 has the following trios (2,1,1), (1,2,1), (1,1,2)
5 has the following trios (3,1,1), (1,3,1) (1,1,3) (1,2,2) (2,2,1) (2,1,2)

So the series is as follows

Answered by Penny Nom.
P(x+1)-P(x)=x 2005-04-21
From Etienne:
~P(x)=a x3+ b x2+ c x
question: trouver les trois nombres a,b et c.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
Une réduction de 40% 2005-04-21
From Isabelle:
une famille composée de 3 enfants, et 2 adultes partent en expédition. ils payent au total 80€ sachant que les enfants bénéficient d'une réduction de 40% combien payent les parents et les enfants ?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The least integer of a set of consecutive integers 2005-04-19
From Lucia:
The least integer of a set of consecutive integers is -25. If the sum of these integers is 26, how many integers are in the set?
Answered by Penny Nom.
40% profit 2005-04-19
From Carol:
Could you please tell me the formula to calculate for example a 25% profit on cost. I.e a sandwich cost .75p for the cost of ingredients, I wish to make a 40% profit on that cost so what do I multiply and divide it by to arrive at the selling price in order to achieve a 40% profit?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Percentage increase 2005-04-19
From Tom:
What is the percentage increase from (negative -$9262.00) to (positive $3840.00)?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Centimeters, millimeters and milliliters 2005-04-19
From A student:
How many milliliters in a centimeter?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A Taylor series for ln(x) 2005-04-16
From Anood:
i have to represent ln(x) as a power series about 2

i`m not getting the final answer which is ln 2+ sigma (((-1)(n+1)/ (n*2n))*(x-2)n). i don`t get the ln 2 part

i show you my trial

f(x)= ln x.

f-(x)=(1/x) .

f--(x)= (-1/x2)*1/2!

f---(x)= (2/x3)*1/3!

f----(x)= (-6/x4)* 1/4!

so the pattern shows me that f(n)= ((-1)(n+1))/xn *n)

so f(2)= sigma ((-1)(n+1))/2n *n) *(x-2)n

so as you see i don`t get ln 2

Answered by Penny Nom.



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