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The lcm of 1 and -1 2004-11-03
From Nayiyan:
I would like to know what is the LCM of (-1) and (+1) is.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Adding 3% to get 120,000 2004-11-02
From Shaun:
I was asked a question by a friend of mine's kid. He asked me if you had a final figure of say 120,000, how do you work out the amount you started with if you added 3% of the starting amount, to the starting amount to get the 120,000.
Answered by Paul Betts.
Tennis balls and probability 2004-11-01
From Jeremy:
I have a hopper of tennis balls that contains 25 new tennis balls and 10 old tennis balls. In the hopper the tennis balls are mixed up randomly. If i take one ball out of the hopper and hit it and then put it back and then take another ball out of the hopper and hit it and put it back, what is the probability that i hit two new tennis balls? Also a tennis ball becomes old after being hit just once.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The sides of a hexagon 2004-11-01
From Timothy:
I have a perfect Hexagon in which i know the measurement across is 10m. Not from point to point, but from the middle of one side directly across to the middle of the other. From that measurement, how can I determine the length of 1 side.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Nombre premier 2004-11-01
From Katia:
Pouvez-vous me dire comment savoir si un nombre est premier?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Multiplying two algebraic fractions 2004-10-31
From A parent:

x+2 x²-4
----- x -------
x-2 x²+x-2

Answered by Harley Weston.
Imaginary roots of a ploynomial 2004-10-31
From Jennifer:
how to find the roots of a polynomial equation if it would be imaginary?
Answered by Harley Weston.
GCD and LCM 2004-10-31
From Cartalina:
how do you calculate the "positive difference between the GCF and LCM of two numbers"?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The combined force of two vectors 2004-10-30
From Brian:
Two teams are playing push ball with a large 8 foot diameter ball. One team exerts a force represented by the vector a = 2i + -5j, and the other team exerts a force represented by the vector b = -8i-3j.

1.Determine the direction of movement of the ball if the i axis is due east.

2.Determine the combined force magnitude.

Answered by Harley Weston.
Solving triangles 2004-10-30
From Allen:
Solve the following triangles.


1. B = 20 Degrees, a = 25, b = 16
2. A = 35 Degrees, b = 2, c = 3
3. A = 32 Degrees, C = 44, c = 20

Answered by Harley Weston.
Vectors in three space 2004-10-30
From Jo:
I have two questions that I just cannot visulise and dont know how to get started on them..!

1. Ship X is sailing North at 4m/s and Ship Y is sailing due East at 3m/s. A sailor on Ship X climbs a vertical pole at 1/2 m/s. What is the velocity of the sailor on Ship X relative to an observer on Ship Y? State it's magnitude and direction.

Not sure where to start with this one...

2. Show, using vectors, that for any tetrahedron, the segments joining the midpoints of the opposite edges are concurrent. i know what a tetradedron is, and what I am proving but do I solve simultaneously for a specific case??

Answered by Walter Whiteley.
Bedmas 2004-10-30
From Gina:
I am just curious whether Bedmas would be used in the following question as it is not in the typical Bedmas format.

Multiply 12 x 24
Add 26
Divide by 2
Subtract 7

Would we go about doing it in the sequence it is given or in Bedmas ?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The force of a 5000 tonne lorry 2004-10-27
From Aaron:
A 50 tonne lorry is parked on a slope with a gradient of 4%. Due to the self weight of the lorry, what is the force

* acting down the slope
* acting normal (at right angles) to the slope

Answered by Penny Nom.
Ratios and rates 2004-10-27
From Kenneth:
What is the difference between a ratio and a rate?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cube roots 2004-10-26
From A parent:
How do you solve the problem of finding the cubed root of (17 to the power of 3).
Can you show me each step and if you have a visual representation of this it would be very helpful.

Also can you show a step by step of finding the cubed root of 27. Visuals help a lot

Answered by Penny Nom.



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