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20 Golfers 2004-10-26
From Ian:
I have 20 golfers playing over 6 days I would like to schedule all 20 golfers in 5 groups of 4 on each day here is the catch.... I would like each player to play with each other once during the 6 days.
Answered by Chris Fisher.
The point slope form of a line 2004-10-26
From Jack:
Given a set of ordered pairs, ie (1,1) (2,4) (3,7), how does one determine the rule f(n) other than by trial and error
Answered by Penny Nom.
Largest square inside a circle 2004-10-25
From Bob:
my granddaughter asked
what is the largest size square in inches would fit in a 60 inch circle?
I believe it to be around 42.3 inches but would like to teach her how to do it mathematically.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Square roots and inequalities 2004-10-25
From Waheed:
Q1. What is the simplest way of finding a square root of any number using just a pen and paper? (I am asking this question because I browsed a few sites a didn't find any method that is simpler than the one I use. so I am just curious.)

Q2. Is it possible that you take an equation and turn it into an inequality by performing same mathematical operations on both sides?

Answered by Claude Tardif and Penny Nom.
Converting coordinates 2004-10-25
From Allen:
I am trying to help my son with his home, but I don't remember these conversions. Please help.

1. Convert the following coordinates Cartesian x = 7, y = -24

2. Convert the following coordinates Polar r = 4, theta = pi / 3

Answered by Penny Nom.
Implicit differentiation 2004-10-24
From Emily:
If x^3+3xy+2y^3=17, then in terms of x and y, dy/dx =
Answered by Penny Nom.
Maximize income 2004-10-24
From Connie:
A company that sells x units of a product generates an income (I, in dollars) which is a function of x. The income generated is described by the equation

I = (-1/2)x^2 + 100x.

Discuss how to determine the number of units that must be sold so that the company can maximize its income. What is the maximum income?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Practical applications: parabolas and Pythagoras 2004-10-24
From Connie:
Provide two examples of real life objects that incorporate parabolic shapes. Explain the reason why the parabolic shape was used in each object.

I need at least one practical application of the Pythagorean Theorem.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Solve for a and t 2004-10-23
From Justin:
How do I solve for "a" and "t" in the equations:

1000t= -4000 + 2000t + (1/2)at^2
1000=2000 + at

Answered by Penny Nom.
An aircraft is flying directly from airport A to airport B 2004-10-22
From A student:
In this question, i is a unit vector due east and j is a unit vector due north. An aircraft is flying directly from airport A to airport B, which is 2000 km from A. The velocity in still air of the aircraft is (150i+50j)km/h and the ground speed is (200i-30j)km/h. Calculate

(i) the time of flight, to the nearest min
(ii) the direction of the wind.

Answered by Penny Nom.
programme de tracé 2004-10-21
From jean-yves:
pourriez vous me donner la définition de: qu'es ce qu'un "programme de tracé"
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The last digit of a large exponent 2004-10-20
From Landon:
How can one determine the last digit of a large exponent by hand. I have seen several examples of how to do this by breaking it up into smaller exponents, but is there a formula or some common things to look for?
Answered by Penny Nom.
sin(3A) 2004-10-20
From A student:
Express sin3A in terms of sinA and cosA.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 40% increase in garage space 2004-10-20
From Dianna:
A bus company recently expanded and no longer has enough room in its garage for all of its buses. Twelve of the buses have to be stored outside. If the company decides to increase their garage space by 40%, this will give them enough room for all of their current buses, plus enough room to store another twelve in the future. How many buses does the company own?
Answered by Penny Nom.
La multiplication d'un nombre par 137 2004-10-19
From Jacques:
En posant la multiplication d'un nombre par 137, un élève a oublié de décaler vers la gauche le troisième produit partiel. Il trouve un résultat qui est inférieur de 22860 au bon résultat. Quel était le nombre multiplié? Justifier.
Answered by Claude Tardif.



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