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A square footage problem 2004-10-19
From Jerome:
I have a peice of property that is almost a triangle but not exactly about 280 frontage with the side lines at 228 and 237

I was told I had about one acre plus a little, a developer says I have 33,000 sq ft. and I would like to know what the real result is

Answered by Penny Nom.
Manipulating exponents 2004-10-17
From A student:
I was wondering if you can describe the steps in getting the solution to the problem below. I have the solution of 5/3 in the back of a book, but I have no idea how that answer was reached.

2raised to the 100th power + 2raised to the 98th power divided by 2raised to the 100th power - 2raised to the 98th power

Answered by Penny Nom.
The third derivative 2004-10-15
From Holly:
Why would you ever take the third derivative?
Answered by Harley Weston.
A rate of change problem 2004-10-15
From Frank:
Find the rate of change of the distance between the origin and a moving point on the graph of y = x(squared) + 1 if dx/dt = 2 centimeters per second.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two gears 2004-10-14
From Lindsay:
"There are two gears, a small one on the left and a larger one on the right. The gear on the right makes 1 revolution. The gear on the left makes two revolutions. Suppose the gear on the right is turned through an obtuse angle. Will the gear on the left make a full turn?"
Answered by Penny Nom.
Divisibility by 7 and 11 2004-10-13
From Tammy:
I'm stuck in class in Yr 7 And I'm finding it hard on our new topic Divisibility! When I try to find out what this means on Internet sites i can not understand the used symbols like algebra and so on. I'm stuck on the divisibility rules for the number 11!
Answered by Penny.
$25,000 at 11% per year 2004-10-13
From A student:
suppose u have $25,000 to invest and the interest rate at your bank is 11%. 1) how much money would you have at the end of EACH of the first four years? 1) i already kno that the first year w/ interest is $27,750 but how do i get the 2nd? 3rd? 4th? years?
Answered by Penny.
Pythagoras in everyday life 2004-10-13
From Tiffany:
I was wondering if you have any real-life uses of the pythagorean theorem that you use in your everyday life.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cycling in the wind 2004-10-11
From A student:
A cyclist is travelling in the direction of 12i+5j at a speed of 39 km/h where i is a unit vector due east and j is a unit vector due north. The wind appears to the cyclist to be blowing with a velocity of (-4i+j) km/h. Find, correct to 1 d.p
(a) the true speed of the wind and
(b) the bearing from which the wind is blowing

Answered by Penny Nom.
An Octagon 2004-10-10
From A parent:
I am trying to determine what the size of each triangle is of a 12 foot circle consisting of 8 triangles would be. I've gotten as far as the radius being 6 feet, but cannot figure the distance.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A five digit number 2004-10-06
From A parent:
What is the 5 digit number in which the first 2 digits are the square of the 3rd digit and the last 2 digits are the square of the digit that is one less than the third digit? The sum of all the digits is 22.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A common tangent line 2004-10-05
From Shanup:
The x-axis is a common tangent of y = x^2 and y = x^3. Find the equation of another common tangent.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Direct and inverse variation 2004-10-05
From Abraham:
Given that y varies inversely as x and x varies directly as z.If z is doubled then y is halved.Why is that true.Please explain.I'm having trouble understanding the different types of variation
Answered by Penny Nom.
Accelerating to the speed of light 2004-09-30
From Lars:
How long time would it take to accelerate up to the speed of light with an acceleration speed similar to 0-100 seconds in 5 seconds?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A mixture problem 2004-09-30
From Abraham:
A chemist has one solution that is 35% pure acid and another solution that is 75% pure acid. How many cubic centimeters of each solution must be used to produce 80 cubic centimeters of solution that is 50% acid?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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