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X is due north of Y ... 2004-08-11
From A student:
X is due north of Y and 2km distant. Z is due east of Y and has a bearing of S35°12'E from X. How far, to the nearest metre, is Z from X?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cubic yards of dirt 2004-08-11
From A parent:
How many cubic yards of dirt would it take to fill an area that is 325 feet by 325 feet and is 3 feet deep?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Acres and miles 2004-08-11
From A student:
How many acres are in 1 mile?
Answered by Penny Nom.
2.79 acres 2004-08-11
From Helen:
What would the square footage be of 2.79 acres?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Area of a hexagon 2004-08-10
From RB:
Hello. I need to find the Area in sq. ft. of a Hexagon with 6 equal sides, of 26' each.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A conic 2004-08-10
From A student:
My question is about this equation 32x*2 -18y*2 -64x +72y +248 =0 explain why as x goes to the infinity the graph of the conic looks like y= (3/4)X.

What I did to try to find the solution of this problem was to graph and then I thought that maybe trying to find the equation of the asymptotes I could do it, but it was useless -because the equation of the asymptotes is y= +4/3(X-1) -2 and that does not explain why tho conic looks like y=(3/4) x . I would really appreciate your help on this.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Constructing a triangle 2004-08-08
From KV:
Answered by Chris Fisher.
A big number 2004-08-08
From Carter:
Can you tell me what number this is?

Where can I find the names for big numbers?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Limits and composite functions 2004-08-07
From Sue:
I have two questions, one about a limit and the other about a composite function. If you could help me, I'd really appreciate it.

1. Find the limit:

lim[x->0] (x*csc(x))

I converted csc(x) to cos(x)/sin(x), but I didn't know what to do after that.

2. f(g(x)) = ln(x^2 + 4), f(x) = ln(x^2) and g(x) > 0 for all real x, find g(x):

I'm having trouble with this one because x^2 + 4 isn't a perfect square.


Answered by Penny Nom.
The integrating factor method 2004-08-05
From A student:
Whilst using the integrating factor method, I am required to integrate a function multipled by another function.

say f(t) = exp(kt) and some other function g(t); where exp = exponential and k is some constant.

Integral f(t)*g(t) dt or Integral exp(kt)*g(t) dt

What would the result of this integral be? I have never met an integral like this before. Would it simply be exp(kt)*g(t)/k? More specifically, the problem and my attempted answer is in PDF format:

In my attempted solution, I am unsure about the last two lines I have written out, as it relates to integrating a function multipled by another function.

Answered by Harley Weston.
Integrating e^sin(x) 2004-08-04
From A student:
I need to know that how to solve the integral " e^sin x",
Answered by Harley Weston.
Differentiation 2004-08-04
From A parent:
I am a parent trying to understand higher level of maths and would be very grateful if you could help with differentiating the following functions, identifying general rules of calculus:

a) f(x)=e^2^xIn(cos(8x))

b) f(x)=secx/SQRTx^4+1

Answered by Penny Nom.
Two trig problems 2004-08-04
From Tracie:
sin^2x - sin x -12 = 0

sin 2x = -sin x

Answered by Penny Nom.
When is the limit of f(x) undefined? 2004-08-03
From Nicolasa:
When is the limit of f(x) undefined?
Answered by Penny Nom.
an integer with three factors 2004-08-03
From A student:
What is the probability that a randomly chosen 3 digit number has exactly 3 factors
Answered by Penny Nom.



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