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sin^2x-5sinx-3=0 2004-08-02
From Kerri:
hey my name is kerri i'm a college students and i was wondering if you could help in with this problems


Answered by Penny Nom.
A tangent to a hyperbola 2004-08-02
From A student:
The equation of a hyperbola is 32x*2 -18Y*2-64x +72y +248=0. The equation of a tangent line to this hyperbola is y= (16/15)X + 10/3 I have been trying to find the point where this line intersects the graph. What I did was solve for x and then plugged in the result into the equation of the hyperbola, but I am getting two answers and I am supposed to get only one because the line is tangent to the graph. For this reason, I would like to know what I am doing wrong or what I have to do to know which answer is correct.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two problems 2004-08-02
From JJ:
A question on my homework assignment about logs says "suppose that x=logA and y=logB & write the expression in terms of x and y"

log(A - B)

Is this even possible? It seems like a typo.

Another is: "solve for t."

12(1.221)^t = t + 3

Is this one possible? If it is, I cant figure it out.

Answered by Penny Nom.
A trig problem 2004-08-02
From A student:
Given that the maximum value of [sin(3y-2)]^2 -[cos(3y-2)]^2 is k. If y>7, Find the minimum value of y for which [Sin(3y-2)]^2 - [cos(3y-2)]^2 =k.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Domain and range 2004-08-01
From JJ:
I'm checking domain and ranges of these functions. Are these right?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The law of sines 2004-08-01
From Joy:
How do you solve this? Do you solve this triangle using the law of sines of the law of cosines? (ASA)

A=120DEG. B=40DEG c=35 cm I keep getting different answers.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Rate of change problems 2004-08-01
From Jim:
I just want to check a couple average rate of change problems because i just guessed on how to do them. Can you tell me how to do them?

the question says if f(x) = sqrt(x + 3), find f( x + rx). I got sqrt( x + rx + 3)

the other two are : f(x)= 3x-1 (f(x) - f(1)) / (x-1) ... I GOT 3 &

f(x)= x^3 - x (f(x) - f(1)) / (x-1) ... I GOT x^2 + x

Answered by Penny Nom.
Combien de litre y a t'il dans un M3 2004-07-30
From Un eleve:
j'aimerais savoir combien de litre y a t'il dans un M3. car je dois mettre un produit spécial dans une piscine.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A parallelogram 2004-07-30
From Keith:
I'm a high school student and have been having trouble with this problem , which is based on one pair of parallel sides of a parallelogram: If AD = 6x-5 and BC = 3x+7 find x. Of course both sides have to be equal. Now I know the value of x is 4 So my question is how do you get 4 from the given information.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Extraneous solutions 2004-07-28
From Nicole:
When I have a problem like (2x + 3)/5 = (x + 1)/6 and the question asks to check for extraneous solutions, how do you solve that?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Water in a cone 2004-07-28
From A student:
A vertically inverted cone( i.e. vertex down) has a radius 7 inches and height 24 inches. Water is filled to one third of its height .Find the ht of water when cone is turned upside down
Answered by Penny Nom.
The third side of a triangle 2004-07-28
From Annette:
How do you find the length of a triangle side if you know two sides?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring 2004-07-28
From Nicole:
Can 4x2 + 19x + 12 be factored? i have tried but i cannot figure it out. Is there a way to find out if it cannot be factored before i try to work out the problem?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The intersection of two graphs 2004-07-28
From JJ:
Is there a way to find the intersections of these graphs algebraically?

x^2 + y = 4 & 2x - y = 1

I got (1.45, 1.9) and (-3.45, -7.9) with a graphing calculator.


y = 3.29x & y = 5.5(x^0.5)+ 10000

I got x at 3133 with a graphing calculator.

Answered by Penny Nom.
x^2 = x + 2 2004-07-26
From A parent:
x2 = x+2

My daughter came home with this equation today and although I know the answer is x=2, i have no way of proving it by showing any working out.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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