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The railing around a pool 2004-07-26
From Bob:
I have a 15' circular above ground pool. Around the perimeter of the pool are eleven (11) sections of railing. Each rail has 5 slots at each end for pins. I have calculated that the length of the arc under the railing to be 51.4". what I am trying to determine is the distance between the end points of the arc so that I can figure out which slot to use in the rails without going round and round the pool moving and removing the rails until they finally fit. Been there, done that, no fun.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The p-value 2004-07-25
From Kathy:
Ms. Lisa Monnin is the budget director for the New Process Company. She would like to compare the daily travel expenses for the sales staff and the audit staff. She collected the following sample information.

At the .10 significance level, can she conclude that the mean daily expenses are greater for the sales staff than the audit staff? What is the p-value?

Having problems finding the p-value & unsure of the formula. Kathy

Answered by Penny Nom.
Row echelon form 2004-07-24
From Michael:
My name is Michael and I'm in the 11th grade. I have a Math question that I can't solve. The problem is system of equations that I need to do in augmented matrix form, find the row echelon form, and solve it by using back substitution.

2x + 3y + 7z =13
3x + 2y - 5z = -22
5x+ 7y - 3z = -28

Answered by Penny Nom.
The inverse of a quintic function 2004-07-22
From A student:
I'm really having trouble finding out the inverse of this quintic equation. F(X)= X5+3X3+1.I know that this quintic has an inverse because it is one to one. But I can't find a method to solve this. Finding the inverse of a quadratic or a cubic equation is a lot easier, but with this quintc I am really lost. I even know how the graph of this equation and its inverse looks like, but I'm not sure if Iam getting the right equation. Please help me out.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Factoring 2004-07-19
From A student:
Factor completely:
3x3 - 24y3
54x6 + 16y3
16xy - 4x - 4y - 1
0.09x2 - 0.16y2

Answered by Penny Nom.
The number of blocks in a mile 2004-07-18
From Valerie:
I don't know if you can help me but I was wondering how many blocks are in a mile in Ocean City, New Jersey?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A proof in geometry 2004-07-16
From An:
Im taking a geometry course for the summer , and we just started to learn about proofs for about one week. Today in class, we started to do this one proof but didnt finish it because class ended. the problem is as follows.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Solving some quadratic equations 2004-07-15
From A student:
Could you please solve the following for x


Answered by Penny Nom.
Two vector problems 2004-07-14
From Jaye:
Two force, 120lb and 200lb, act on a body and make a 52 degree angle w/ ea. other. What's the magnitude of the resultant of the forces and what is the measure, to the nearest degree, of the angle that it makes with the 200lb force?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The commuter 2004-07-14
From JJ:
A student who commutes 27 mi. to college remembers, after driving a few minutes, he forgot a term paper. Driving faster than usual, he returns home, gets the paper, and once again starts to school. Sketch the graph of the student's distance from home as a function of time.

Does it mean that the student drives at normal speed, drives faster to pick up the paper, and resumes normal speed to head back, or that the student drives at normal speed, then drives faster the rest of the way to college?

Answered by Penny Nom.
12(1.221)^t = t + 3 2004-07-14
From Jay:
This problem has me stumped since i cannot separate the t and the 3. Here it is:

12(1.221)t = t + 3

It's on a logarithm worksheet, but how do i figure it out?!

Answered by Harley Weston.
Two puzzles 2004-07-13
From Fred:
A young man's car developed a flat tire while he was driving along a deserted street. He pulled over to the curb and did all the usual things; removed the hub cap; unscrewed the lugs and rested them carefully in the hub cap, jacked up the car. As he was putting the spare tire onto the axle he accidentally kicked the hub cap. The lugs rolled out, and all five of them rolled down a nearby grate. Peering through the bars of the grate the man thought he could see the lugs about 6 feet below in a shallow water puddle. He had a problem, how do you think he solved it?

It is noon, your lunch hour, but you can not go out because there is a terrific hailstorm. Turning on your radio you hear the weathercaster predict that the hail will change to rain and that it will pour all day today. How can you determine the sun will be shining in 36 hours? Justify your answer.

Answered by Penny Nom.
An Octagonal playhouse 2004-07-13
From Levi:
I'm building an octagon playhouse for my son that is 8 feet wide. what would be the measurements of each of the eight sides.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Cubic yards 2004-07-12
From A homeowner:
I would like to know how many cubic yards are in the following; 20 ft wide x 80 ft long x 4 inches thick?
I am trying to figure out how much concrete I will need to pour for a driveway.

Answered by Penny Nom.
x = 2^x 2004-07-12
From A student:
If the graphs of y=x and y=2x are drawn on the same set of axes, they will intersect when x is equal to what?

(4)They won't intersect.

I know the answer is number 4 by graphing which is permitted; however, I would like to know if there is any algebraic way to do this type of problem.If yes, please show me how.Thanks.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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