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The volume of a fuel tank 2003-08-16
From Phil:
I hope you can help me out with a small problem. My boat has a fuel tank measuring 1680mm long x 630mm wide x 130mm high. Can you tell me how much fuel it will hold in both litres and imperial gallons.
Answered by Penny Nom.
The number of three digit combinations 2003-08-16
From Fred:
There are four close friends having a heated discussion concerning the the number of three digit combinations using the numbers 0 through 9. The discussionÝinvolves the daily lottery.Ý Any assistance you can lend would be greatly appreciated.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Acres 2003-08-13
From A landowner:
Can you please tell me how many total acres the following measurements would equal? 280 feet by 80 feet
220 feet by 70 feet
200 feet by 75 feet

Answered by Penny Nom.
Making a blanket 2003-08-13
From Liz:
Please help me figure this out. I am making a blanket the directions call for a piece of material measuring 72"X45". Instead of one piece I'd like to make a patchwork quilt but the squares need to equal 72"X45". Centered on the bottom of the longest edge is an 18" square.
Answered by Harley Weston.
Water in a cone 2003-08-12
From Adrienne:

Water is poured into a tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone.ð The height of the tank is 8 m and its radius at the top is 4 m.

a. Draw and label a picture to represent this situation.ð (I know how to do this)

b. Identify all variable quantities. (h = 8m, r = 4m)

c. Find an equation that relates the variable quantities, and reduce the number of variable quantities to two.

I was thinking about the equation V = 1/3 pi r2 h, which is the Volume of a cone, but I am stumped as to how I am supposed to "reduce the number of variable quantities to two." Can you point me in the right direction?

Answered by Penny Nom.
Yards and cubic feet 2003-08-11
From Sonya:
How many cubic feet are in a yard?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A sphere inscribed in a cone 2003-08-10
From A student:
A sphere with radius 5cm is inscribed in a right circular cone 20 cm in height.find

(a) the base radius ,volume of the cone
(b)volume of the shaded space( to 3 sig fig)

Answered by Penny Nom.
The side length of a regular octagon 2003-08-09
From Rich:
If I know the distance between the parallel lines of an octagon and want to find the length of the sides, can I just divide that distance by 2.414 to reveal the length of the sides? I work construction and just curious if I am figuring it right.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Liters in a pool 2003-08-05
From A parent:
I need to know how many litres in a 12 foot diameter, 3 foot deep pool? Any help much appreciated as I need to add the correct amount of chemicals
Answered by Penny Nom.
Diagonals in an octagon 2003-08-04
From Amanda:
How many diagonals are in an octagon??? What would be a drawing of those diagonals???
Answered by Penny Nom.
Two precalculus problems 2003-08-04
From Kate:

Please help me verify the identity:

Also I am having trouble withdetermining whether f(x) is odd, even, or neither

Answered by Penny Nom.
The incline of a road 2003-08-03
From A driver:
incline- % grade as to degree. ie 6% hwy grade= what degree of incline?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Percentage decrease in sales 2003-07-31
From Linda:
If I had sales in January of 2002 that were $42,493.73 and sales that were $37,281.59.Ý The difference is $5374.50.Ý What is the percentage of decrease in sales?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Inserting a comma ever three digits 2003-07-25
From Linda:
when writing a large number, why do we insert a comma every three numbers instead of every two or four numbers?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cutting some wood 2003-07-25
From Betty:
My husband is building a six sided wood circle and would like to know the angle to cut the pieces.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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