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l'équation d'une rotation dans un graphique cartésien 2001-11-14
From Ghaith:
je d6sir que vous me rafraichissez un peu la mémoire s.v.p. j'aimerai savoir l'équation d'une rotation dans un graphique cartésien merci
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Subsets of a countably infinite set 2001-11-14
From Tania:
How could I show (and explain to my son) that any countably infinite set has uncontably many infinite subsets of which any two have only a finite number of elements in common?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
3x-1/2(x-4)+5= -3 2001-11-13
From Tausa:
3x-1/2(x-4)+5= -3
Answered by Penny Nom.
Inequalities 2001-11-13
From Pat:
When writing the solution to an inequality, why is the solution written in set notation? {x/ }
Answered by Penny Nom.
Prove that the medians of triangle PQR meet in a central point G. 2001-11-11
From Jessica:
Use a scalene triancle with one point (0,b) on the y axis, another point (2c, 0) on the x-axis and the last point, (2a,0) on the x-axis. Prove that the medians of triangle PQR meet in a central point G.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A cubic 2001-11-10
From Louise:
x3 + 9x2 - 7x - 63
Answered by Penny Nom.
1 minus 5(y) equals negative 2 2001-11-10
From Judy:
1 minus 5(y) equals negative 2
Answered by Penny Nom.
A circle and triangle overlap 2001-11-09
From Tara:
A circle and triangle overlap as shown.the area of the circle is three times the area of the triangle.If the common region is removed,then the area of the rest of the circle would be 14 sq cm more than the area of the rest of the triangle.How many sq cm are in the area of the complete triangle.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A circle and a triangle 2001-11-09
From Tasha:
I have a circle that has an equalateral triangle inscribed in it. The tip of the triangle (B) is at the center of the circle with the other corners (A & C) extending to the sides of the circle. I need to know the equation to find the linear length of AC. I also need to find the cordial length of the circle from point C to A.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Third side of Acute Triangle 2001-11-09
From Don:
I gave this problem to my children, 9th and 12th grade and they are not(me too!) sure of the answer. I am trying to determine the length of the third side of an acute triangle. I know two of the lengths but I do not know the angles. Is there a proper formula to use to find the length of the third side? Thank you.
Answered by Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
12 pairs playing bridge 2001-11-09
From Diana:
I have 12 pairs playing bridge against one another for 12 games. I need to have each pair partnered with another pair -- but only once. I'm looking for a schedule for play for all 12 games. They should only be able to play against another team only once also. (ex: 1/2 v 3/4 then 4/2 v 3/1) Thank you for this opportunity to solve my dilemma.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Asymptotes 2001-11-09
From Frank:

given the function:

f(x) = (x2) / (x-1)

the correct answer to the limit of f(x) as x approaches infinity is:

y = x+1

all math references point to this answer and the method they all use is long division of x-1 into x2

however if one were to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 1/x and then take the limit, one gets:


how can the descrepency between the two answers be explained?

Answered by Chris Fisher and Penny Nom.
A 3 dimensional 5 pointed star 2001-11-08
From Kent:
I am looking for a formula that will give me a layout for a 3 dimensional 5 pointed star. I want to form it out of sheet metal, using 5 polygons and soldering them at the apex. Can you please help me with this? I would like to be able to give the formula the height of the star from the bottom two points to the top point and also how deep the star is. Thank you very much!
Answered by Judi McDonald.
Manufactures golf balls 2001-11-06
From Kevin:
A company manufactures golf balls. Golf balls are each numbered consecutively 0 to 4, and then the numbering starts over with zero again. Every 12th golf ball is yellow. Every 8th golf ball is tested for defects. The company produces 120,000 golf balls in an eight-hour shift.

A. How many yellow golf balls are tested for defects during the day? Explain your reasoning.

B. How many of these yellow balls that are tested are imprinted with the numeral 2? Explain your reasoning.

Answered by Penny Nom.
Counting CD's 2001-11-06
From Jason:
An older brother said to his younger brother, "Give me 8 of your CDs, then I will have twice as many as you." The younger brother replied, "No, you give me 8 of yours instead, and then we'll have an equal number." How many CDs does each boy have?
Answered by Chris Fisher.



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