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7 items are filed under this topic.
10^1,000,000 2020-12-18
From G:
Looking for the name of a really big number. its a 1. with a Million zeroes after it.
Answered by Harley Weston.
What is the highest known numerical value? 2007-05-29
From Peg:
What is the highest known numerical value?
Answered by Gabriel Potter.
How high does the sequence of numbers go 2003-09-07
From Shayna:
My quetion is "How high to the sequence of numbers go"?
e.g. one, ten, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, and from there is my queston.

Answered by Penny Nom.
1 followed by a million zeros 2003-03-19
From David:
What do you call the number represented by the numeral '1' followed by one million zeros?
Answered by Penny Nom.
More on googols 2000-02-23
From Kevin Brennan:
Could you please give me a couple of examples of when you MATH guys would use a google. Do youu measure, like, galaxies with it ? Or was it created to keep track of Mr Gate's bank account.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A googol 1999-10-06
From Kevin Brennan:
describe to me a guegoll is that how u spell it?

it sounds like that
Answered by Penny Nom.

Large Numbers 1999-04-05
From CK:
Hello. I need a lesson plan for grades 4 to 7 dealing with the concept of large numbers. Specifically, how to teach scientific notation. The lesson plan has to deal with the following: the size of the universe is so huge that is is almost beyond the ability of the mind to comprehend. One way is to measure...
Answered by Chris Fisher.



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