20 items are filed under this topic.
Two circles |
2017-08-13 |
From Ladines: Find the equation of the circle passing through points of intersections of circles x²+y²=4y and x²+y²=2x and the center is on line y=2 Answered by Penny Nom. |
What jobs use conics? |
2009-10-22 |
From denise: i have to type a paper on what jobs use conics and i can not find anything can you help
Denise Answered by Penny Nom. |
Conic sections |
2008-04-14 |
From Christine: In my analysis class we are learning about conic sections.
Our project is to create a genral statement of the definition of conic sections.
Truthfully, I have absolutely no clue on how I should write that.
Could you help me? Answered by Walter Whiteley. |
Parabolas in the real world |
2007-05-18 |
From Katherine: Hi, my name is Katherine, and my mean old math teacher just assigned us a test in which
we have to write two examples of how parabolas are used in the real world, each one page
single spaced, size 12!! I know you have already answered some questions like this, but
I still don't understand the whole baseball thing, and any other way parabolas are used.
And how I can write a whole page on it. But that's my problem, not yours, I just need help
with a little explanation on how parabolas are actually used today. I know this might be kind
of confusing for you, but imagine how it is for me!! Answered by Stephen La Rocque. |
Conic sections |
2006-11-19 |
From Joyce: My son has a project on conic sections. I need the following information on Parabola, Circle, ellipse,and hyperbola. He can't find the following information for each conic section: equations with explanations, four uses for each shape and Shape explanation. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Some applications of conic sections |
2006-11-13 |
From Burt: how are circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas used in everyday life Answered by Penny Nom. |
The intersection of planes |
2004-09-07 |
From Joshua: I was wondering about the intersection of planes. Can planes intersect? Answered by Penny Nom. |
The intersection of two graphs |
2004-07-28 |
From JJ: Is there a way to find the intersections of these graphs algebraically?
x^2 + y = 4 & 2x - y = 1
I got (1.45, 1.9) and (-3.45, -7.9) with a graphing calculator.
y = 3.29x & y = 5.5(x^0.5)+ 10000
I got x at 3133 with a graphing calculator.
Answered by Penny Nom. |
Sections, area and acres |
2004-03-23 |
From Tony: An acre , it can be any size right . so when they
refer to a section of a township which is 640 acres,
also 1 square mile does this mean that 1 sections
length if sqaure and there is 5,280 ft in 1 mile does
it meanthat if you took 1 side of the square of of 4 sides
the lenth would be 5,280 feet long and by multiplying
5,280 x 5,280 it would give you the square mile in
square feet. i guess what I 'm asking is what is the
perimeter of 1 acre if it was shape like a square.
sorry to make this confusing but if you can help I
would appreciate it. Answered by Penny Nom. |
Squares in a rectangle |
2003-10-21 |
From Raj:
Draw a rectangle with sides of 3 and 4. Divide the sides into 3 and 4 equal parts respectively. Draw squares joining the points on the sides of the rectangle. You will have 12 small squares inside the 3 x 4 rectangle. If you draw a diagonal of the rectangle, it will intersect 6 of the the 12 smaller squares. Similarly, if you have a 4 x 10 rectangle, the diagonal would intersect 12 of the 40 squares inside the rectangle. Is there an algebric equation that determines the number of squares that will be intersected by the diagonal of a rectangle? Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Uses of conic sections |
2003-04-01 |
From William: My name is William and I am doing a research paper on conic sections for my 12th grade math class. Part of the project is to find two conic sections in our world today and explain what there purpose is. I really need help in this area because I've been searching the internet for where conic sections are used in our world today and I really can't find anything. If you can tell me specific building or a pyramid that contains conic sections that would be great. Or even something in the universe would be helpful. Answered by Leeanne Boehm. |
A section of land |
2003-02-25 |
From Bev: How many acres in a section of land? How many square miles is in a secion of land? Answered by Penny Nom. |
A paper model of a cone |
2002-08-14 |
From Bruce: I have made a paper model of a cone, cut a sloping section, and removed the top. I have drawn the major and minor axis on the paper surface of the section. The major axis is not symmetrical about the minor axis. To me, this is not an ellipse. To me, an ellipse is a tubular section, because this gives a symmetrical major axis. What is your opinion? Answered by Walter Whiteley and Chris Fisher. |
Diagonals in a polygon |
2002-04-10 |
From Murray: If you have a regular polygon with n sides and you draw all (n-3)n/2 diagonals how many intersection will they form with each other and how many sections will they devide the polygon into. Answered by Caude Tardif and Chris Fisher. |
If you conect all the vertices of a regular n-gon... |
2002-04-01 |
From Murray: If you conect all the vertices of a regular n-gon with lines you will have (n-3)(n/2) lines inside the polygon. I want to find out how many sections these lines divide the polygon into and how many intersections they have with each other. Answered by Claude Tardif. |
Parabolas |
2002-02-03 |
From Kuang: -Who is credited for working with or studying the Parabola? -What is a conic section? -What does a parabola look like? -How is a parabola formed? -Where and how are parabolas used today in the real world? Answered by Harley Weston. |
Rectangular hyperbola |
1999-12-15 |
From Aarti Chand: Why do they call a rectangular hyperbola, rectangular and where the normal hyperbola looks like a rectangle and the rectangular hyperbola looks like a sqaure? Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Dividing a Circle |
1999-04-12 |
From Mike Kenedy: I am having trouble with a homework question for bonus marks. A Circle is continually divided by lines that do not intersect the center so that they produce the most pieces of circle. For example - 1 line divides the circle into 2.
- 2 into 4.
- 3, however into 7.
- 4 into11
- 5 into 16
- 6 into 22
- 7 into 29
- 8 into 37
- etc...
I am stumped and cannot figure out the equation, though I'm sure it involves squares. Can you help? Answered by Penny Nom. |
How many intersections? |
1997-10-08 |
From James: (a) A collection of eight points, no three collinear. If lines are drawn between each pair of these points, how many points of intersection would there be? (b) what would your answer have been in part (a) if there had been n points to start with? Answered by Chris Fisher. |
Graphing Inequalities of Conic Sections |
1997-03-24 |
From James Sheldon: I'm trying to graph Systems of Conic Sections with inequalities, but I'm running into problems on which area to shade: x^2+y^2 is greater than or equal to 16 xy > 4 So I graph these two equations, and then my teacher said to substitute a point into it but I'm still not sure how to do it... Answered by Penny Nom. |