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A circle problem 2018-03-30
From ahamed:
the diameters of a circle AB and CD intersect each other at O perpendicularly. Then a chord DF is drawn. AB and DF intersect at E. DE=6cn and EF=2cm.find the area of thw circle
Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of a tent with a hexagonal base 2018-03-27
From shohel:
A tent has its base in the shape of a regular hexagon whose sides are 10m . If the height of the tent is 12m , then find its volume.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Base 6 to base 4 2018-03-25
From Malik:
Hi Sir..!
I just want to know the proper example with a brief explanation of conversion of base 6 into base 4. kindly reply me as soon as possible.. Thank you

Answered by Penny Nom.
The mean and median 2018-03-24
From Myrte:
Is the median always smaller then the mean?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Distance between a chord and its arc on a circle 2018-03-23
From Doug:
Specifically, what is the subject distance for the Earth orbiting for 27 days. Assume the orbit of the Earth to be a circle have a 93 million mile radius. Assume the angle of arc to be (27/365) x 360 degrees. Thank you.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A circle and two chords 2018-03-21
From Ella:
In a circle, a 30 unit chord is 5 units closer to the center than a 20 unit chord. Find the radius.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Interest for 3 years 2018-03-21
From Mary:
How much interest do you pay if the charges 0.12% over 3 years loan $4999
Answered by Penny Nom.
Walking a fraction of a mile 2018-03-20
From Jamie:
Who walked a fraction of a mile that is closer to neither 0 nor 1 ? Explain
Avery 1/6
me.Nunez 5/6
Ms. Chang 1/3
Mr. O’Leary 4/8
Miss Lee 4/6

Answered by penny Nom.
Two regular pentagons 2018-03-19
From Kip:
The ratio of the corresponding apothems of two similar regular pentagons is 5:7 What is the ratio of their areas?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A circle of circumference 4*pi*r 2018-03-19
From Ankith:
If the circumference of a circle is 4*pi*r, what is its area?
i) 4*pi*r^2
ii) 2*pi*r^2
iv) pi*r^2

Answered by Penny Nom.
A penny is thrown from the top of a building 2018-03-16
From Zoraida:
A penny is thrown from the top of a 26.7-meter building and hits the ground 3.39 seconds after it was thrown. The penny reached its maximum height above the ground 0.89 seconds after it was thrown.

a. Define a quadratic function, h, that expresses the height of the penny above the ground (measured in meters) as a function of the number of seconds elapsed since the penny was thrown, t. b. What is the maximum height of the penny above the ground?

Answered by Penny Nom.
1/4 acre of land 2018-03-15
From Jean:
I have 1/4 acre of land.it is square.what should the measurement be for each side be in feet
Answered by Penny Nom.
Solve when the variable is in the exponent 2018-03-15
From Dan:
50 x 2^n = 1,000,000
2^n = 20,000

what does n equal?

Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of a cube 2018-03-15
From Eli:
An outdoor art display is a metal cube with edge length 39 feet. What is the volume of the cube in cubic​ feet? In cubic​ yards
Answered by Penny Nom.
An equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle 2018-03-15
From Olatundun:
An Equilateral Triangle Of Side 20cm Is Inscribed In A Circle.Calculate The Distance Of A Side Of The Triangle From the Centre Of The Circle.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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