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Resources for real-world math activities 1999-03-26
From Kate O'Brien:
Where is there a collection of math acitivities or projects to use in high school Algebra I, Algebra II, or Trigonometry that tie concepts to real-world careers?
Answered by Jack LeSage.
Cubic feet and gallons 1999-03-26
From Karen Coheley:
How many gallons in a cubic ft. ??
Answered by Harley Weston.
Complex numbers/polar coordinates 1999-03-25
From Kate Cegelis:
What is the relationship between complex numbers and polar coordinates?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Prime dates 1999-03-25
From Jessica Brown:
I'm asking how do you figure out all the prime numbers in a year and, whats the average amount of prime numbers per week.
Answered by Jack LeSage and Penny Nom.
A word problem 1999-03-25
From Anna Gariss:
A second number is 4 less than a first number. The product of the second number and 3 more than the first number is 18. Find the pair of numbers.
Answered by Jack LeSage and Penny Nom.
Rhomboid 1999-03-25
From Monica Armour:
I need to see a net of a rhomboid. Where can I find one on the net? Is it like a square paramid with the top chopped off? Help! This has me stumped.
Answered by Jack LeSage.
Probability and Statistics 1999-03-25
From Karrie Waller:
Hi my name is Karrie and I am an elementary ed. student at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. I am doing a report on how children learn probability and statistics. I am having trouble locating information that will tell me specifically how students learn. I am wondering if you can answer this question for me or direct me in the right direction.
Answered by Jack LeSage.
A field trip 1999-03-18
From Jennifer Rudd:
This word problem is driving me nuts! I could really use your help. Its a secondary level question. Here it is:

A group of students planned to charter a bus for a school field trip. Each student was to share the $810 cost equally. However, 3 people were unable to go and this increased the share of each person by $3. How many went on the trip?

Answered by Jack LeSage and Penny Nom.

Percentages 1999-03-16
From Beth Barton:
If I have two figures and want to know the difference between them, in Percentage, how do I proceed with a calculation?

Example: 67,800 - 56,000 = 11,800
What percentage does this difference represent?
Answered by Jack LeSage.

Le salinon d'Archimèdre 1999-03-11
From Don Craig:
I am trying to find the English translation of "Le salinon d'Archimèdre" and would appreciate any help. This is a figure, presumably studied by Archimedes, created from 4 semi-circles. Since I can't draw it for you, I will try to describe it with the help of the 5 collinear, horizontal points below.

. . . . . A B C D E 

A semi-circle is constructed on AE as diameter (let's say above AE).

Two more semi-circles are then constructed with diameters AB and DE on the same side of the line AE as the first semi-circle (above it). Finally, a fourth semi-circle is constructed on diameter BD, this time on the opposite side of the line AE from the others (i.e. below the line).

These semi-circles and the region enclosed by them constitute what is called in French "Le salinon d'Archimèdre".

If you know the English name of this curve I would appreciate it if you let me know.
Answered by Harley Weston.

0/11 1999-03-09
From Jacob:
What is the term applied to 0 divided by a number.

In calculating slope problem my answer was 0 divided by 11. I don't know what to do with this answer or how to interpret it.
Answered by Jack LeSage and Penny Nom.

Factoring 1999-03-08
From L. Sivad:

Answered by Penny Nom.
An airplane problem 1999-03-08
From B.M.R.:
A plane left New York and headed East to its destination 3600 miles away across the Atlantic. On the way back its speed was boosted by a 50 mph tail wind and it arrived an hour early. What was its normal speed?
Answered by Jack LeSage.
Metric Conversion 1999-03-07
From TDestra:
Please help to answer this question: Is a cubic centimeter equivalent to milligrams or milliliters, and how many? Also, is it a liquid measure?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Where three sequences meet. 1999-03-06
From Ali:
My name is Ali and I am in the 5th grade.

I have a math question:

What is the least positive integer meeting each of the following conditions:

  • Dividing by 7 gives a remainder of 4
  • Dividing by 8 gives a remainder of 5
  • Dividing by 9 gives a remainder of 6

Answered by Denis Hanson.



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