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Term definitions 1996-09-18
From M. Seltzer:
A 7th grade algebra student would like the definition of the terms proper factor and perfect number.
Answered by The Centralizer.
How do you find out if a number is a composite or prime? 1996-09-16
From Trish Feenstra:
Hi my name is Trish Feenstra. In grade 8. How do you find out if a number is a composite or prime if it is big like 37 529? Reply soon got a test on Friday the 13th
Answered by Denis Hanson.
Repeating decimals 1996-09-09
From Alice:
What is the line called that is placed over the decimal to show that it is infinitely repeating?
Answered by The Centralizer.
Will this always yield a palindrome? 1996-08-28
From Andy Golden:
My friend Justin Skywatcher, said that when his children were in 6th grade, they were taught that if you take any number, reverse it and add the two together, a palindrome will result. If not, continue performing the above operations, and a palindrome will eventually result. Will this always yield a palindrome?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Thousands, millions, billions and trillions 1996-08-22
From Blaine:
What are the names of the periods in groups of numbers like 123,456,789. I need to know the names of them for school. I already know the first ones: units thousands millions billions trillions.
Answered by Penny Nom and Diane Hanson.
Where do 2^x and x^2 intersect? 1996-07-23
From Darin M Selfridge:
The intersecting points of y=2^x and y=x^2, graphed along with x^2=2^x, are obviously three... (2,4), (4,16) and (?,?). I am having problems figuring out the value, and even an equation for the (?,?). Can you help?
Answered by Harley Weston Chris Fisher.
How do you raise a number to an imaginary/complex power? 1996-07-03
From Andy Golden:
How do you raise a number to an imaginary/complex power? I know how you raise "e" to a complex power, like e^(pi*i): cos pi + i * sin pi But what about numbers other than "e"? What if I want to raise 5 to the 2i power? How is that done?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
What are fractals and are they of any practical use? 1996-06-26
From Ron:
What are fractals and are they of any practical use?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
Diagonals in a polygon 1996-06-18
From Steven:
How many diagonals are there in a polygon?
Answered by Denis Hanson.
Show that this construction yields a rhombus. 1996-06-16
From LennyB:
Hello, I have a problem. I doubt you can help me. If you have an isosceles trapezoid, and you connect the midpoints of the four sides of the isosceles trapezoid forming a quadrilateral, how do you prove that it's a rhombus in a 2 column proof??
Answered by Penny Nom.
a to the power zero 1996-06-03
From Beti:
Why is a number to the power 0 equal to 1?
Answered by Harley Weston.
Prove that these two lines are parallel. 1996-05-29
From Adam Piekarzewski:
Using parallel line theorems and side angle side etc. in triangle acd a line is drawn from point b on ac and point i on ad. another triangle fliped vertically and joined at d is named fdh, a line is drawn from point e on fd and point g on fh. ab = fg, ai = fe, ac || fh prove that bi || eg /- -/
Answered by Harley Weston.
How do you graph these inequalities? 1996-05-17
From Robert:
How do you graph the inequalities 5+gg, and g+h>6 on one coordinate plane?
Answered by Harley Weston and Maxine Stinka.
How do you graph these equations? 1996-04-30
From David Gamble:
How do you graph the equation x=3 on a x,y graph? Also how do you graph f(x)=-3x + 2 on the same graph?
Answered by Harley Weston and Maxine Stinka.
A coin problem 1996-04-16
From Julie Hebert and Simon Hamel:
How many weighings would you need to find out which pile is fraudulent?
Answered by Penny Nom.



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