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Square metres 2007-02-09
From Wendy:
Can you tell me the best way to find out how many 3m x 2m square plots i would be able to fit into a 50m x 100 m room?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Alligation 2007-02-09
From Shanah:
Orders: 360 mL of 75% acetic acid Stock: 99% acetic acid and distilled water Find the volume of acetic acid and distilled water to get the needed concentration. Any help with this is greatly appreciated, Thanks
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Multiplication of polynomial 2007-02-09
From John:
hello.. i just want to ask how can i solve this?? (2x+3)(6x+8)
Answered by Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom and Brennan Yaremko.
The area for a pentagon 2007-02-09
From nicole:
how do you find the area for a pentagon
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Density 2007-02-09
From Judy:
How do I calculate the mass in grams of 125mL of chloroform when d=1.49g/mL.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Conversions 2007-02-09
From Donna:
Hi! I hope you can help me... What is the cost of 10 grams platinum if one ounce = $1200 (troy weight)? I REALLY appreciate your help. Can you please send me the formula to figure it out too? Thank You! Donna :)
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Game 24 2007-02-09
From Becka:
I need help figuring out this sequence for 24 2 2 3 5 Please help
Answered by Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom, Claude Tardif.
Piecewise Functions 2007-02-09
From Steph:
h(x)={-2 if x<0
{x+1 if 0< x <10
{-1/2x+16 if x>10 PLEASE HELP

Answered by Penny Nom.
Six digit numbers 2007-02-09
From marisa:
how many six digit numbers can you write using the digits 0 and 1 as many times as possible?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The capacity of a tank 2007-02-08
From lorn:
what is the capacity of a tank height is 110 feet diameter is 24 feet
Answered by Brennan Yaremko.
Perimeter of an octagon inside a circle 2007-02-08
From Courtney:
a regular octagon is inscribed in a circle with a radius of 12 cm. find the perimeter of the octagon?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How many grams are in a 12 ounce coconut? 2007-02-08
From Tristan:
I have a problem where I need to know how many grams are in a 12 ounce coconut. Do I use "dry measure" with figuring out how many grams are in a ounce? And is that about 28 grams? Thanks.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Converting sq inches to sq millimeters 2007-02-08
From Michael:
If I have 1/32 sq inches, what does that equal in sq millimeters?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Simultaneous equations with envelopes 2007-02-08
From Mick:
There were 17 envelopes bought, some were brown, some were white. The brown envelopes cost one cent more per envelope than the white ones. The total cost was 80 cents. How much of each type of envelope was bought? --Many thanks!
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Difference in scanning time 2007-02-08
From Lisa:
Boat 1 with 12,000 items on board with 7 days docking time limit Boat 2 with 12,000 items on board with 1 day docking time limit

Each item has to be scanned. We want to find out the difference in scanning time (in minutes and seconds). We tried this formula but with 60 minutes in one hour, 60 seconds in one minute, we are not sure if this formula is accurate.

Answered by Penny Nom.



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