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Maximize the area of the yard 2007-02-08
From Andy:
I have 60 m to construct a fence adjacent to my house. What are the values of x and y that maximize the area of the yard?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Chickens and cows 2007-02-08
From Norman:
My grandson is testing me on a question he recently solved.

The question is "A farmer has cows and chickens - there are 252 heads and 81 legs - how many of each animal does he have?"

I immediately thought of the quadratic equations I learned 50 years ago at school, but cannot remember how to do it. It is further complicated by the fact that 1 animal must have 3 legs as the total number of legs is 81 (or perhaps he his trying to catch me out) Any helpful advice would be welcome.

Many thanks

Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Romeo is throwing pebbles 2007-02-08
From Jessie:
Romeo is chucking pebbles gently up to Juliet's window, and he wants the pebbles to hit the window with only a horizontal component of velocity. He is standing at the edge of a rose garden 4.5m below her window and 5.0m from the base of the wall. How fast are the pebbles going when they hit her window?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
BEDMAS solving for X 2007-02-07
From damian:
Hi, I am having a problem understanding why when using BEDMAS the text book example of the following question has used bedmas and reduced the calculation to 4/3.

Text book formula:
X/200,000 = (X - 90,000) / 150,000
X = 4/3 * (X - 90,000)
X = 360,000

My solution: I always thought that when you do something to one side you do the same to the other. Why would the equation bring the 200,000 / 150,000 down to 4 / 3 I would think it would look something like this.
X/200,000 = (X - 90,000) / 150,000
X = 200,000*((X - 90,000) / 150,000)

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Area of a rectangle 2007-02-07
From kyle:
paul has enough material to make a fence 22 feet long. he will use this material to fence of a rectangular section of his yard. the rectangles sides must all be whole numbers. i am having a hard time finding the greatest and the least area that he can enclose his fece
Answered by Haley Ess.
The interior angles of a parallelogram 2007-02-07
From jenniffeir:
Can a parallelogram have two 45 degree angles and two 75 degree angles?
Answered by Haley Ess.
An even positive integer cubed minus four times the number 2007-02-07
From Rachael:
I can't figure out the proof or the method to get the proof for this question: any even positive integer cubed minus four times the number is divisible by 48
Answered by Haley Ess and Penny Nom.
Write an equation for this 2007-02-07
From BS:
How do you write an equation for this: The difference when 7 less than a number is subtracted from twice the number is 12. And also, what is the number?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Find the next 3 terms of the sequence 2007-02-07
From rose:
find the next 3 terms of the sequence 2,3,9,23,48,87
Answered by Penny Nom.
Cubic yards 2007-02-06
From Mark:
I have a pile of dirt that is 200ft long, 40ft wide, and 25ft high. How do I figure out how many cubic yards? Thanks Mark
Answered by Penny Nom.
A triangle inscribed in a semicircle 2007-02-06
From Benneth:
Consider a triangle inscribed in a semicircle with a radius of R. What are th possible perimeters for the triagle? And the areas?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Dividing money unequally 2007-02-06
From Linda:
I have a total of $13,826.48. It is to be divided by 15 kids - 2 of the kids only get half of what the other 13 do - how much do the 13 get and how much does the 2 get? Thanks
Answered by Haley Ess and Steve La Rocque.
Equations with fractions 2007-02-06
From Juan and Derek:

Answered by Penny Nom.
income percentages 2007-02-05
From karen:
I would like to know what percent of a bill each person would pay based on the income differences one person makes 78968.00 and the other makes 52000.00 I believe it is 65% and 35%

so if a bill is 120.00 one person pays 78 and the other pays 42 is this correct thanks

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Nickels, dimes and quarters 2007-02-05
From Avinash:
Mary has 48 coins made up of nickels, dimes and quarters with a total value of $5.10. She has 4 more dimes than nickels and quarters combined. How many coins of each kind does she have? Use matrix to solve the system
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.



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