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Multiplying and dividing by zero 2007-02-05
From colin:
i would like to if u multiply 1,000,000 by 0 does it equal o or 1.

if you have a number eg 15689 and you divide by o what would the answer be is it 1

Answered by Penny Nom.
algèbre et fractions 2007-02-05
From marion:
Une certaine somme était inscrite sur un livret de caisse d'épargne au 1er janvier. Le 1er mars, on retire le tiers de ce qui était placé au 1er janvier. Le 1er juin, on retire le quart de ce qui était placé au 1er janvier. Il reste sur ce livret une somme égale à 1/7 des sommes retirées plus 1 600 Quel était le montant du livret d'épargne au 1er janvier?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Angle of elevation 2007-02-05
From Zee:
A 55 ft. flagpole casts a 25 ft. shadow. Calculate the angle of elevation to the sun to the nearest degree.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Driving on a banked roadway 2007-02-05
From William:
A race track is shaped like an inverted cone. Race cars drive around this track in a horizontal path. If a drivers speed is 34 m/s, at what distance from the tip of the cone should he drive his car if there is no friction?


William Bush

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
$380 Billion divided by 29.6 million 2007-02-05
From Bob:
$380 Billion divided by Iraq population of 29.6 million equals $_____ / Iraqi.
Answered by Penny Nom.
A rectangle inscribed in a circle 2007-02-04
From Benneth:
Consider a rectangle with radius R inscribed in a circle. What are the possible areas of the rectangle?
Answered by Steve La Rocque and Walter Whiteley.
how many hours are in a fortnight? 2007-02-04
From Rosegretta:
how many hours are in a fortnight
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
An array for a number between 60 and 85 2007-02-04
From Lou and Matt:
This Gr. 4 math problem is asking for an array as explained below. We can figure out an array for 60 but the problem asks that an array be created for any number between min. 60 to max. 85.

No one in the family can figure this one out... help/advice would be greatly appreciated

Gr.4 math question: Create an array for a number (qty) of 60 to 85 marbles in rows and columns. Each row has the same number marbles. No row or column can exceed 9 (nine)

Thank you! L

Answered by Penny Nom.
How to calculate margin of profit???? 2007-02-03
From A student:
If cost price is Rs. 100/- and our selling price is 139/-. I want to know the gross profit & how much margin in this????
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many diagonals does a hexagon have? 2007-02-03
From Marsha:
How many diagonals does a hexagon have?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
14 golfers--6 days 2007-02-02
From tom:
14 of us are going golfing-- over the course of 6 days is there a formula that would allow us to have the chance to play with as many different partners as possible--2 foursome, and two threesomes
Answered by Chris Fisher.
More on a man and his wife on an escalator 2007-02-02
From Patrick:
Hello, I was helping my son with a homework problem and came across a very similar on your site:


We are trying to understand the answer shown. There seems to be leap, in the answer that isn't explained or we can't see it. Specifically in the answer it says:

"We know that the woman olny walks 21 steps to reach the top, and thus in the time she walks 7 more steps the escalator also goes up 7 steps. Hence the woman and the escalator are travelling at the same rate."

We understand that she still has 7 steps left, but how is it that you can conclude from that (or other factors) that during those 7 steps the escalator will also travel 7 steps.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. Pat

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Integration 2007-02-02
From Jenna:
How do I integrate ( ln(x) ) / ( x^2 ) ?
Answered by Penny Nom and Claude Tardif.
Patrick's new job 2007-02-02
From kathy:
patrick has been offered jobs by two different automobile repair shops. his income from the first shop will be $1,200 per month plus 3% of the monthly sales. the second shop will pay patrick $1,500 per month plus 2% of the monthly sales. part a let s equal the amount of monthly sales and i equal patrick's income in dollars. write a system of two equations that could be used to determine the monthly income from either shop. part b solve the equation to determine what amount of monthly sales for each shop would result in patrick earning the same monthly income, i, from both shops
Answered by Penny Nom.
Yardage of dirt fill 2007-02-02
From Gene:
I am removing dirt then replacing it with good dirt. I need to know how many yards of fill dirt it would take to fill a diameter 165 feet with fill of 13 ft would take how many cubic yards of dirt.
Answered by Penny Nom.



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