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3x > -12 2007-01-11
From Jen:
In the following inequality, would one flip the inequality symbol?

3x > -12

Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
In the shadow of a building 2007-01-11
From Bill:
if a building b feet cast a shadow f feet long, then, at the same time of the day, a tree t feet high will cast a shadow, how many feet long?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
21 pigs and only 4 pig pens 2007-01-11
From Emma:
i was given this pig pen problem. if there are 21 pigs and only 4 pig pens how can you distribute the pigs into the pens and have an odd number of pigs in each pen. it doesn't seem possible to me. i need help!
Answered by Haley Ess.
One leg of a right triangle 2007-01-11
From Eric:
I have a right triangle and the only known leg is one leg adjacent to the right angle. The question is how to find either of the other angles?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Negative exponents 2007-01-11
From Bob:
I have to write this "Y-7" (but the -7 is an exponent) as a positive exponent. How?
Answered by Penny Nom.
The volume of a box in cubic yards 2007-01-11
From Robert:
i have a box 44inch high 16foot long on top and 8 foot long on the bottom 5foot wide how do i find the cubic yards
Answered by Penny Nom.
Multiplier et soustraire des nombres négatifs 2007-01-11
From Sylvie:
Voici trois nombres entiers: (-5), (-3) et (-4). On retranche le troisieme au produit des deux premiers, ecris la situation et donne le resultat.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
What is the percent of the decrease? 2007-01-10
From Bill:
if the value of xyz company stock drops from $25 per share to $21 per share, what is the percent of the decrease?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Input-output table 2007-01-10
From Richard:
Question is make an input - output table for the function using the domain 0,1,2,3,4, Then state the range of the function.

y =x + 8 ?

y =0.4x +3 ?

Answered by Penny Nom.
At the ice cream parlor 2007-01-10
From Bill:
at the ice cream parlor, customers can chose among five different ice cream flavors and can choose either a sugar cone or a waffle cone. considering both ice cream flavor and cone type, how many distinct triple-scoop with three different ice cream flavors are available?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Fact families with fractions 2007-01-10
From Joe:
I am trying to help my son with a math problem dealing with fact families and fractions. The question only gives 2 numbers 1/16 + 1/12 and 5/4 - 4/5. Can you help me understand how fact families work with fractions?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Common denominator 2007-01-10
From A parent:
what is the common denominator of 3/5, 2/7 and 4/8?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
y = 5 x - 3 2007-01-10
From Richard:
Question is the function y = 5 x - 3 for the given value of x 7 , 1 or 4
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
A cylinder has how many flat surfaces, vertices, and edges? 2007-01-09
From Stacy:
A cylinder has how many flat surfaces, vertices, and edges?
Answered by Diane Hanson and Penny Nom.
Write the equation of a vertical line passing through (6,-2) 2007-01-09
From Alex:
Write the equation of a vertical line passing through (6,-2)
Answered by Penny Nom.



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