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5sqrt2+3 2007-01-07
From Mike:
I don't understand why 5sqrt2+3 is the correct answer over 5sqrt 5
Answered by Penny Nom.
Des grains de blé 2007-01-06
From Renaud:
Remplir un échiquier avec des grains de blé de la façon suivante un grain dans la 1ère case, deux grains dans la 2ème case, ainsi de suite en doublant jusqu'à la 64e case Combien de grains de blé il y a dans la 64e case?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Angular speed 2007-01-06
From Robert:
A rear wheel and tire on a John Deere 8520 farm tractor has a 39-in. radius. Find the angle (in radians) through which a wheel rotates in 12 sec if the tractor is traveling at a speed of 22 mph.
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many different lineups are possible? 2007-01-06
From Steve:
I have 7 players on a basketball team/roster. If 5 players can play at the same time, how many different lineups are possible?
Answered by Penny Nom.
x + 2y < 6 2007-01-06
From Mike:
I understand solving by graphing, but i am having trouble with the graphing of in equalities. i solved : x + 2y<6
Answered by Penny Nom.
A probability problem 2007-01-06
From Rose:
The radius of the a small circle is 1 and the radius of the large circle is 2. If two points are selected at random from the interior of the large circle, what is the probability that both points will be from the shaded region? the shaded area outside the small circle.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Are all rectangles trapezoids? 2007-01-05
From Sarah:
Are all rectangles trapezoids?
Answered by Chris Fisher.
How much money is that? 2007-01-05
From Stephanie:
The question is asking fill in the whole box. It is set of 15 nickels. It says circle 2/5 of the nickels? The next question ask How much money is that?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Ordering farctions 2007-01-05
From Samantha:
I am having trouble ordering these fractions: 2/15, 1/5, 3/5

And also would like to know what is $6.67 divided by 8 rounded to the hundredths place

Answered by Penny Nom.
13.78g /11.3mL 2007-01-05
From Judd:
13.78g /11.3mL
Answered by Penny Nom.
A word problem 2007-01-05
From Harold:
the sum of one number plus four less than five times another is 26.
Answered by Penny Nom.
What are the dimensions of the most economical container? 2007-01-04
From Ashely:
A cylindrical container costs $2.00 per square foot for the sides and $3.00 a square foot for the top and bottom. The container must hold 100 cubic feet of material. What are the dimensions of the most economical container.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Order the fractions from least to greatest 2007-01-04
From Justin:
I am a sixth grader, and I am having trouble with the last question in my homework assisgnment. 1/6, 2/5, 3/7, 3/5!
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
How do I determine the length of an ellipse if the width and area are known? 2007-01-04
From Tom:
How do I determine the length of an ellipse if the width and area are known?
Answered by Steve La Rocque and Karen McIver.
Phone number combinations 2007-01-04
From Efrain:
i want to know the different combinations for numbers 7 digits the number are 0-9 its basically the different phone number combinations
example: 555-6689 or 565-4896 i just want to know for many different combinations are there....

Answered by Penny Nom.



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