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A container to hold 600 gallons of water 2006-11-07
From Cissy:
What size rectangular tank would I need to hold about 500-600 gallons of water.
Answered by Penny Nom.
les fraction 2006-11-07
From Coullet:
béreger boit les 3/5 d'une bouteille de 3/4 de litre jennifer boit les 4/5 d'une bouteille de 1/2 litre diego boit les 2/5 d'une bouteille de 1 litre, puis le quart de ce qui lui reste
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Simplifying exprressions 2006-11-06
From Jessica:
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
1,4,9,16,25,36..... 2006-11-06
From Teje:
i cannot find the next number for this sequence 1,4,9,16,25,36..... could u help please
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A boat is being pulled towards a dock. 2006-11-06
From Cassie:
A boat is being pulled towards a dock. If the rope is being pulled in at 3 feet per second, how fast is the distance between the dock and the boat decreasing when it is 30 feet from the dock?
Answered by Penny Nom.
How many yards of dirt would it take to raise 1 acre 200 feet? 2006-11-06
From Larry:
how many yards of dirt would it take to raise 1 acre 200 feet?
Answered by Larry.
la somme des aires des deux dommaines 2006-11-06
From Nina:
Une ficelle de longeur L = 1m est coupée en deux morceaux. Avec l'un des morceaux, de longeur x, on forme un carré, et avec l'autre un cercle. A quel endroit doit on couper la ficelle pour que la somme des aires des deux dommaines obtenus soit minimale?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
équations avec les ages 2006-11-06
From Ruffin:
Sébastien dit a Aurélie: vous avez 36 ans et j'ai deux 2 fois l'âge que vous aviez quand j'avais votre âge. Quel âge a Sébastien?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A proof by induction 2006-11-06
From Zamira:
i have a problem with this mathematical induction: (1^5)+(2^5)+(3^5)+...+(n^5) = ((n^2)*((n+1)^2)*((2n^2)+2n-1))/12
Answered by Penny Nom.
A melting snowball 2006-11-06
From Jay:
A snowball melts at a rate proportional to its surface area. Show that its radius shrinks at a constant rate. If it melts to 8/27 of its original volume in 20 minutes, how long will it take to melt completely? Please I need your help.
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
Simultaneous equations 2006-11-06
From An other:

Answered by Penny Nom.
Direct variation 2006-11-05
From Johann:
The perimeter of regular octagon varies directly with the length of one side of the octagon
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How do I calculate the roll diameter? 2006-11-05
From Bob:
if I have the RPM of the roll and the thickness of the web coming off the roll and the mm/min of the web how do I calculate the roll diameter?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A mixture problem 2006-11-05
From Lynne Rae:
How many kg of 30% salt solution by mass and 40% salt solution by mass should be mixed to form 200kg of 37% salt solution by mass?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Bill has four more dimes than nickels ... 2006-11-05
From Allison:
bill has four more dimes than nickels, and seven fewer nickels than pennies.he has a total of $3.35. how many of each kind of coin has he?
Answered by Karen McIver.



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