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The dimensions of a rectangle 2006-11-02
From Ben:
A rectangle's length is 8 cm. greater than its width. Its perimeter is 128 cm. Find its dimensions.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Coefficients 2006-11-02
From Kilihea:
How do you factor the following expression so that the coefficient is 1? 4x+8 and -3x-27
Answered by Haley Ess.
Des mots aux équations 2006-11-02
From Julie:
La différence de deux nombres, x et y est de 28. Le nombre y correspond aux huit neuvi�mes du nombre x. Trouvez ces deux nombres.
Answered by Claude Tardif.
A 1/4 mile square 2006-11-02
From Lisa:
How many acres are in a 1/4 mile square area. Or what would be the perimeter in miles be for 40 acres?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Chord length 2006-11-01
From Tony:
how do i find a chord length when all i have is arc length (13.633m) and the radius (89.500m)
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
How many days will it take to harvest 1000 acres? 2006-11-01
From Ravinder:
A farmer has 1000 acres of land. If he harvests 150 acres in a day and how many days will it take for him to harvest 1000 acres?
Answered by Penn.
How many M&Ms are in a container? 2006-11-01
From Jill:
How do we algebraically figure out how many M&Ms are in a container?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Taux à déterminer 2006-11-01
From Barrault:
Une certaine année,un article augmente d' un certain taux "t" au premier semestre puis d' un taux triple du premier au second semestre, sachant que l' augmenation globale sur l' année est 66.75%; uels sont les taux pour chacun des deux semestres de l' année?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers is even? 2006-11-01
From Ryan:
10 balls numbered 1-10 are in a jar. George reaches into the jar and pulls out a ball. Then Wally pulls out another ball. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers is even?
Answered by Haley Ess.
Maximiser l'aire d'un triangle isocèle 2006-10-31
From Flav:
ABC est un triangle isocèle en A tel que AB= 1 pour quelles valeurs de BC, l'aire de ce triangle est-elle maximale?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
Un carré ABCD 2006-10-31
From Barrault:
Dans un carré ABCD de coté a , avec I le milieu du cote AB je cherche a exprimer CI et CA en fonction de a en demontrant que les vecteur CA+CB=2CI comment faire?
Answered by Claude Tardif.
The area of a quadrilateral 2006-10-31
From Georgina:
I would really like to know and be shown how to figure out the area of a quadrilateral. I already know that it is side x matching height but i need to be shown what to do. Could you please help?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Paddeling on the Alleman River 2006-10-31
From Anita:
Len is planning a three-hour trip down the Alleman River and back to his starting point. He knows that he can paddle in still water at 3 mph and that the rate of the current is 2 mph. How much time can he spend going downstream? How far downstream can he travel?
Answered by Penny Nom.
3.253 cubic meters of water 2006-10-31
From Elaine:
a tank full of water that has a volume of 3.253 cubic meters would have a mass of?
Answered by Penny Nom.
Pulleys and belts 2006-10-31
From Lynn:

A belt has a linear speed of 32 mph. It is spinning three pulleys.
Pulley A has diameter 14 in. radius = 7 inches
Pulley B has diameter 26 in. radius = 13 inches
Pulley C has radius 3 ft. radius = 36 inches

Angular speed in Radians per min for
I got
Pulley A= .08 rads/min Pulley B= .04 rads/min Pulley C=.01 rads/min

How many cm would pulley C travel in 14 seconds?

Answered by Penny Nom.



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