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What names are known for the quarter circle shape? 2006-03-06
From Christina:
What names are known for the quarter circle shape?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
A nine digit number 2006-03-06
From Ryan:
What is the total number of possible combinations of a nine digit number (ie., social security number) including repeating numbers?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
2,4,9,6,5,6,____,____,____,... 2006-03-06
From Mike:
I am having problems figuring out the following sequence:


We were able to guess that the pattern simply started to reverse itself, but I was wondering if there were other possibilities.

Answered by Claude Tardif.
The area of a regular decagon 2006-03-06
From Ester:
how do i find the area of a regular decagon with sides of length 6 cm and an apothem of 9.2 cm?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
A hat contains between 10 and 25 marbles 2006-03-06
From Kerry:
A hat contains between 10 and 25 marbles. Some marbles are green, and the rest are yellow. Without looking you are to reach into the hat and pull out a marble. The probability of pulling out a green marble is 2/9. How many marbles are in the hat and explain?
Answered by Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom.
Heights and shadows 2006-03-06
From Debra:
A person is 7 ft tall and his shadow is 10 ft tall. using the same info what is the shadow of a person who is 5ft tall
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The nth term 2006-03-05
From Umar:
my question is what is the nth term for a house of cards 4 stories high if you use the following numbers:
2 7 15 26

Answered by Penny Nom.
An equation involving logarithms 2006-03-05
From Chris:
Given that loge y = 0.3logex+1.2 show that y=3.32 x0.3

Answered by Penny Nom.
The units digit 2006-03-05
From Taran:
My teacher asked: What is the unit's digit in the product 5 X 10 X 15 X 20 X 25? What is a "unit's digit", what are they asking for?
Answered by Penny Nom.
If something costs $40, and they took 20% off, what is the original price 2006-03-04
From Kevin:
If something costs $40, and they took 20% off, what is the original price
Answered by Penny Nom.
1/infinity and 1/0 2006-03-04
From Evan:
I was thinking the other day when i was in math class that when you divide 1 by say n you'll get 1/n. As the value of n increases the smaller the number you get. So if you divide 1/infinity would that equal zero? And if that is true then would 1/0=infinity be true also?
Answered by Penny Nom.
A 5900% increase 2006-03-03
From Pat:
I want to find out the % of production increase from 250 dolls a month to 15,000 dolls a month. i think it is 5900% but that seems too high.
Answered by Penny Nom.
Balls in a cylinder 2006-03-03
From Roxanne:
If a cylindrical can holds three balls with no room to spare, explain how to find the volume of the air that surrounds the balls in the can. Yet the balls have a diameter of six inches
Answered by Stephen La Rocque.
The quadratic formula 2006-03-03
From Miriam:
Please show work and indicate "answer", using the quadratic formula -

(x+2) (2x+3) = 6

Answered by penny Nom.
The meaning of numbers 2006-03-03
From John:
I'm having a philosophical debate on the meaning of numbers, equations, or the world of math in general. Would it be possible if you could help me by giving me a resource that talks about it or if you have your own opinion I would be most grateful.
Answered by Harley weston.



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